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Nursing 361-Professional Integration 2: Middle Range Theories & Nursing Theory E-Books & Books

Selected Nursing Theory E-books

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and limit by selecting the E-Books format link (found on left of search results display). Here is a selected list. The first few cover middle range theories. These might help you identify a theory.

Middle Range Theories

What is a Middle Range Theory?
From Dr. Sally Decker, April 2018:

"To be a middle range theory it has to focus on just the concept (not all of nursing) and will usually have the name of the concept within the title of the theory. The theory/model/framework (I use all three search terms for theory) needs to relate to the concept and not the intervention to "fix" the concept"

examples of middle range theories:

-Barker's Tidal Model  (middle range theory),ip,uid&db=cat05426a&AN=sts.b1890437&site=eds-live&scope=site

-Good and Moore's pain management theory

Jezewski's theory of culture brokering,

-King's theory of Goal Attainment

-Kolcaba's Comfort Theory

-Levesque et al- Psychological Adaptation Theory

-Levine's Conservation Principles

-Lenz's Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

LoBiondo-WooWood's theory of family stress and adaptation

-Mishel's theory of uncertainty in illness

-Orlando's theory of deliberative nursing

-Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations

-Reed's theory of self-transcendence

-Resnick's theory of self efficacy

Symptom Management Theory  (middle range theory)

Toward a Theory of Diversity of Human Field Pattern (middle range theory)

The Client Experience Model (CEM) (middle range theory)

-Watson's theory of deliberative of human caring

Whittemore's adaptation to chronic illness model

Nursing in hypertension care (middle range theory)

A Relationship-Based Model for Psychiatric Nursing Practice (middle range theory)

New Mid-Range Theory (Successful Aging)

Comfort Care: A Framework for Hospice Nursing



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