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Social Work 318: Evidence-Based Intervention

Evidence-Based Intervention Research Paper

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Conceptual vs.Empirical Based Research Articles....

Conceptual research: As the name suggests, it is a theoretical approach of research in which the research is conducted by analyzing already present information on the concerned topic. No practical experiment is done in conceptual research.

This is an example of conceptual research,ip,uid&db=eric&AN=EJ892587&site=eds-live&scope=site

Empirical Based Research Article:  It means that research is conducted through investigation and the conclusions are drawn on the basis of collected evidence. It is a practical and experimental approach of research that collects data that can be used to make practice based decisions.

This is an example of an Evidence-Based Practice research article...

For your assignment, you are to locate at least 2 empirical based research articles that you would use for evidence based practice decisions. Look for articles that have a methods, literature review of existing research, abstract, conclusion sections. The authors will be telling you how they did the research (methodology) and what data was collected and what conclusions can be drawn for practice from the results.