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Social Work: YS 320-International Child Welfare

Human Trafficking Videos


Nigeria is a hub for human trafficking. Victims are transported to 33 countries, mostly as part of the $100 billion dollar sex trade. The documentary underlines the human costs behind the statistics. Its tender, devastating interviews, reveal an all-too-common tale: African women turned prostitutes spend years paying off their trafficking debt in Europe. Few ever escape the shackles of their nightmarish ordeals and many find turning traffickers themselves is the only escape

Cambodia's Sex Slaves

This episode is a docudrama about the life of a 15-year-old girl trafficked for sex trades

Southeast Asia

Finding Home is a unique documentary about trafficking, as the stories go far beyond the actual trafficking experiences. Finding Home shows in depth the struggle, growth, and challenges that come with trying to pick a life back up after it has been fragmented. Each of these three young women has a unique story with unique hurdles to overcome. The difficulties and complexities of learning how to deal with life after horrific abuse by slave owners and men looking to exploit sex with underage girls are unpacked in a way that communicates cross-culturally and proves the connectivity in the human spirit. Finding Home reminds us that we are all connected in our humanity; that we are all looking for a place of love, acceptance and community... a place called home.
Sold for Nothing

The story of two Thai women who lived in a wretched basement where they were forced to work as prostitutes until they managed to escape. We found the two women back in Thailand where they are taking the traffickers to court. Now the two women, Ann and Am, have agreed to travel back to Europe to tell their horrifying story. It is also a psychological journey back to their many traumatic experiences.

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