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Library Video Tutorials: Searching Specific Databases

Accessing and Using New York Times

Provides instructions on how to set up your account to view unlimited New York Times articles as well as how to search the Times Machine for archived issues of the New York Times.

Credit: Catherine Curtis


This video provides an introduction on how to access and search the JSTOR database.

Credit: Catherine Curtis


Tutorial on how to search CINAHL, a health database.

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf

OVID Search Tips

Brief tutorial on how to search the OVID database for nursing journals.

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf

ProQuest Search Tips for Nursing Students

Geared toward nursing students, this tutorial gives a demo on how to search the ProQuest database.                                                                               

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf

Science Direct Search Tips

Provides a brief tutorial on utilizing the Science Direct database.

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf

Cochrane Library Search Tips

Provides tips on how to search the Health database Cochrane for reviews.

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf

Searching the New York Times Historical Database (ProQuest)

Provides strategies to use in searching the New York Times database to find primary sources.                                                                                           

Credit: Catherine Curtis


Searching the ProQuest database - Overview

How to search the ProQuest database, a general, multisubject database.

Credit: ProQuest Training


Searching Sage Premier

Provides an overview on how to search the Sage Premiere database, a general, multi-subject database.

Text Transcript

Credit: Michelle Strasz

Using Ulrichsweb

Demonstrates how to use Ulrichsweb to determine if a journal is peer reviewed.

Credit: Michelle Strasz

Google Scholar Search Tips

Provides tips on how to search Google Scholar effectively.

Text Transcript

Credit: Scott Mellendorf