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ENGL 111 LIbrary Session Student Reflection Comments

Learning Outcome 3-Student Reflection Comments

ALA/ACRL Information Literacy Framework Threshold Concept- (Scholarship as Conversation) Research as Inquiry

Learners who are developing their information literate abilities…
*identify the contribution that particular articles, books, and other scholarly pieces make to disciplinary knowledge
*recognize that a given scholarly work may not represent the only or even the majority perspective on the issue
*cite the contributing work of others in their own information production

 ENGL 111 Fall 2022 Student Responses:
How authors in scholarly articles give credit to each other throughout the article
- By enforcing dress codes, students will want to rebel more to express themselves
- I Can access the library web to get information about my country
-Just the presence of a pet can subconsciously boost your mood and relieve stress

-Air pollution can affect a child's birth.

-I learned very new reasons as to why each gender play video games

-I learned that Alaskan natives fought heightened racial tensions following WWII due to Jim Crow Laws.
I also learned how to use the library database search engine.

-That sports actually play a huge role when growing up

-That people are cutting the horns off before the poachers can to protect the rhinos from being killed
 by poachers while removing the horn

-new rule of soccer

-How much feminism can affect someone's video gaming career as well as how well the promoting or
 diminishing of feminism can be hidden in games.

-the popular sports in latino america

-that it can pet therapy can really help people going through even the slightest bit of anxiety.

-60 million kids from ages 6-18 participate in active sports

-The history of violence between political parties has been an ongoing thing throughout history.

-There are reactionary movements against political violence on pretty much every side of the political spectrum.

-One specific thing that I have learned today that I did not know before was that some circuses are being

shut down.

-Only 4 percent of the world's population has synesthesia.

-you have to have critical thinking for accounting

-Athletes are affected more than non-athletes

-That there is a big relation between exercise and not just health but mental health.

-I did not realize how important sports are in development for a child

-I learned that dogs are mostly friendly to all strangers, making the experiences in the therapy room
 easier to get through

-Books can only be banned in prisons and schools.

-I learned that global warming is effecting plants.

-There are many international sources on this topic.

-I learned more about what code switching is

-the whole concept of code meshing.

-that there was a group that had popular people in it that trafficked people.

-very heard to charge people related to hazing

-Anxiety can be caused from all sorts of things, and having a pet to help you through a tough time can
 benefit in relaxing or calming your nerves.

-I did not know that when a crime occurred on tribal lands, if the offender was nonnative, if the tribal cops
 forced the law on them the tribe would get in trouble.

-There are specific code bots that certain social media sites use to prevent the spread of misinformation.

-I learned that pet therapy tend to help people with autism.

-Based one of the articles I found it appears the the overall mean of the well being was slightly higher for
fifth graders compared to the fourth graders.

-I learned or at least read a tiny bit about how Axolotl's are important to the Xochimilico ecosystem

-Political advocacy has led to a great sense of polarization because the most opinionated individuals

share their opinions the loudest.

-how bad the environment status was in northern china

-Dark matter is believed to encompass 85% of our universe

-I did not know that male gamers were against scholars analyzing games as well.

-That there are a lot of different journals and articles about poverty and minimum wage that you don't
see everyday and that could help you when your researching it

-Some schools have banned The Diary of Anne Frank, which was a book I was required to read in 5th grade.

-That female's were degraded in a lot of old games

-shame is one of the most destructive human emotion

-Countries with a greener electricity mix can generate gains for customers.

-I also learned more about my topic of choice, being that climate erosion is a new phrase.

-Music therapy is a very popular and beneficial way to improve mental health.

-Gender difference and preferences are seen all over throughout the world, not just in developing or
 3rd world countries.

-I learned that its not really referred to as low class but referred to as lower income individuals

-The concept of money originated from ancient mesopotamia.

-developing countries can have alot of dirty money in them compared to established countries

-I didn't know there were so many articles on this topic

-children can get overwhelmed by their mistakes or their team's mistakes

-the effect that diesel has isn't as bad as people think it is

-I didnt know that now in days, people with diabetes type 2, can get a procedures for your liver and its


-The government of Ghana are trying to stop the spread of global warming

-By enforcing dress codes, students will want to rebel more to express themselves.

-the popular sports in latino america

-That there is actually taught communication methods between coaches and their athletes.

-How both major party supporters in the United States see each other so differently and inaccurately

-mental health takes a huge role in your life growing up

-That marijuana actually does help anxiety most of the time.

-carbon emissions are responsible for roughly 76% of greenhouse gases that are directly linked to global


-that this kind of therapy benefits not only on mental health, also on their personality,

-That there is an American Psychological Association

-About bilingual students struggling with discrimination as well under the topic of code switching.