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ENGL 111 LIbrary Session Student Reflection Comments

Learning Outcome 4-Student Reflection Comments

ALA/ACRL Information Literacy Framework Threshold Concept- (Information Creation as Process)

Learners who are developing their information literate abilities…
*value the process of matching an information need with an appropriate product
*assess the fit between an information product’s creation process and a particular information need

ENGL 111 Fall 2022 Student Responses:
-That the SVSU library has so much to offer, such as providing scholarly journals. Now I can use this to find
 information than going to google and looking through the results to determine which on is good
-The difference between scholarly journals and magazines or newspaper.

-difference between scholarly sources and popular sources
-The library has many different resources which includes digital ones.
- I learned I can search in a database for both articles and books
- I learned the difference between a scholarly and an popular article
- How to properly use and navigate the library and the difference between scholarly articles and popular articles
-The difference between popular sources and scholarly sources.
-One thing I learned was scholarly journal articles and how they are about one specific thing and are

really detailed about a concept.
- I learned the different between using scholarly articles and popular articles. I did not know the differences
between the two before today.
- where to find all the informations and books. Also the differences in each type of book and how specific
you could look them up.
- That we have access to a lot of different magazines like New York Times
- I learned the differences between "Scholarly" and "Popular" sources
-the difference between scholarly sources and popular sources

- How to use the library for resources
- That there are 2 different kinds of articles that we use
- there are multiple different types of sources
- Prior to today, I wasn't aware of the differences between scholarly journals and other works of references
- the library has a search bar and online books
- How to find a reliable source easily and efficiently
- I did not know that the library offers very many free PDFs, articles, and other things.

- The differences between pieces of media
- I learned that there are different types of sources that are reliable
- There are journals for specific majors
-I learned how to use the library database and how to find specific articles and books

-I learned that there are scholarly articles for just about anything you can think of

- How to find articles from the SVSU library
- how to search a database for a credible source

- to use the sources on the SVSU website

-The ways to get the sources for databases for research
- How to properly look up academic sources and journals for research

- I learned that I can search scholarly articles on the library website

- I learned that you can also use the data bases to look for articles and books specific to a field of study

- the search for articles on the svsu web page

- That you can search for books in the database

- I learned about the library databases. I didn't know how to use the databases or what a scholarly

 article was

- There are many fields of study that work together to put together a scholarly journal

- Scholarly journals

- I didn't know about peer review articles
-I learned how to access the libraries search page and where to find articles

-The library has ebooks

-That there will be recommended articles that pop up depending on what data base you use

-how to find books on the library website

-The different types of research items

-I didn't know that you could get really specific in your searches such as if it's a book or article or what year

 it was published
-Today I learned how many resources the library actually has outside of just books and study space

-The different meaning of abstract

- How to access documents

-all the different resources svsu has

- I learned how to use the library database
- How to actually use the school's database
- how to use the library searching system. facts i did not know before hand
- How the library's database works

- How to use the library at svsu

-How to use the library database
- how to use the library's website
-how to use the Zahnow library page
-That I had this research tool.

- I learned more about the search engine. I never actually knew how to use this

-How to look up specific things on the website
- How to somewhat navigate the SVSU library website
- I did not know how to navigate the library website

- How to use the database
- How to use a database
-I learned about the different databases SVSU's library offers

-Databases are a lot more useful for research purposes
- that the databases were separated by subject
-the opposing views database
-There is a database to search on opposing viewpoints
-How large the SVSU data base is. This will be a great tool for me in the future when I am writing

research papers

- I learned about how to better use the library