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ENGL 111 LIbrary Session Student Reflection Comments

Learning Outcome 6-Student Reflection Comments

-The Zahnow Library is an incredibly useful resource that I will most certainly use again in the future
-that there was a search engine for the library
-The library has a system to search for each word and lots of articles

-Where some of the links were located at
-The Zahnow Library database is an excellent source for research papers
-I did not know that SVSU had their own access to a whole plethora of databases within the library and also that there was resources to help specifically for research
-I didn't realize how easy it was to access the library website and look up sources for your topic
-I did not know that I can search for information on the library website. Which is very helpful and resourceful
- I did not know that the library had such a nice, and easy to use research program.
-The whole data base
-I learned about the library page, I never knew it had the features that it had
-That susu had it's own databases
-I learned that they have all these great resources in the library, I had no clue all this was available to me.
- That the library is a great place to easily find research information and I do not have to pay to see certain articles.
- I didn't know there was a resource website that was showed in class to help find websites and sources
- I did not know you could use the website to find articles and cite them until today
- I didn't know you can search an article on the website
- The library has a search bar
- That we have a database for the school that's easily accessible
- I didn't know anything about the library having resources open to us like they do
-that you can access the library basically through a website if you need anything
- That the library has a data base full of research provided for us
- That are school has a database search system where you can find articles on any topic
-I did not know that there is a library website that can help us find good articles to use when doing research papers.  It takes away the hard work when trying to find articles. It is quicker and beneficial to use these sources
-I didn't even know this research database was ever a thing until todays lesson, so its grateful to know

 i have this resource
-I didn't know about the search with Zahnow website. I will be using it a lot!
-that we could search for anything on the website
- All of the availability to research the library offers
- that SVSU also has a database
- library homepage
- One thing that I had learned today that I had not known before, are the databases with the library and what they include. Before, I had no idea what they were and what they included
- I did not know how to use the library site at all before today. this was my first time
- I did not know that the library website had a database and many other helpful resources

- That the college had an online data base for the library
-All the resources the library offers, very helpful while doing research
- Databases are extremely useful
- How to work the svsu library website
- I learned that this resource to search from this data base was here

- I learned that there are a lot of resources available to me

- The tool bar
-I have learned about many new resources for the library on campus
- How simple and useful the library website is

- There are many resources to use on the SVSU website that are for the students that go to SVSU

- i guess what website to go to

- there are a lot of useful resources at the library

- I didn't know that the library had all these places where you can research topics and find valid sources
- I learned about the library searching database that I had no idea was available for us to use

- How to use the library's resources. I didn't know where to find research through svsu's library before today

- How to access the library's sources

- I did not know that the library had a whole website and I did not know I could look at the books in the library online
- I did not know about the website and all of the resources that are available
-That you could search the library databases through the SVSU page
-Where I am able to search for credible sources. (The library cite)
- How to access the database in the library
- how to navigate the library's databases

-How to use the library website
- I did not know how to access library databases
- I didn't know we had a research search engine for SVSU
-The resources that I have access to through the library
-The amount of articles the library has

- that the library has a lot more resources than i thought

-I didn't know there was a citation machine in the library website

-One specific thing I learned today that I didn't know before is that the databases give you the citation of the article

 in the form you need it

-How to locate the citation for sources on the database

-That you can get a citation through the library search

-How the citations can be found on the library website

-ways you can find and copy citations

-I learned there is a built-in citation generator in the library database

-The citations are within the search results (before you click on the source).

-library can cite for you

-You can cite sources directly from the library website

-I learned how to cite the sources in apa format

-how to cite easier in the database

-How to access journals and cite directly from the database

-I didn't know that the library had a "cite" button. This is an amazing time-saver

-I learned how to cite from the library database

-You can cite directly from the database instead of having to do it yourself

-I did not know you could use the website to find articles and cite them until today

-how vast the library is and that I will never need to manually cite anything ever again

-How to cite articles on SVSU library

-One thing that I learned today was how to articles and where they are cited

-the use of the chat on the database cite and creating a "permaclink"

-that you could cite the source right on the library research search engine

-How to cite my paper through the library website

- I did not know that you could order books from different libraries with MeLCat
-The library has access to books from all over the nation and it is a free resource
-I learned that I could probably get a textbook for class through melcat for a semester
-That we can get books from other colleges
- you can get articles from different libraries other than Svsu
- we can get books from libraries across Michigan, not just at svsu
- I learned that the library can help me acquire certain sources that they might not have on
site free of charge
- I learned about Mel and how we can order books from other libraries/institutions
- I didn't know you can get books from different libraries
- The different sources in the library search bar is something i did not know was available to us as students
- I didn't know you could check out other books from other libraries or that there was a library chat
- I learned more about the resources that the library provides like the InterLibrary loan
- students can receive books from other libraries in Michigan through the loan service
- I didn't know about MEL and that I could borrow books from else where
- I learned a lot about where to locate scholarly journal articles.
I also learned about the document delivery, I didn't know that was a thing.
- That I can order books from other colleges
- I did not know that if I wanted a book or article that SVSU doesn't have,
 i could reach out to the library and you guys could get it to me for free without having to
 pay for it myself
- i learned about the ILL
- I did not know that the library had all these resources. Especially the interlibrary loan & document delivery
- That the library will help you find resources that the library doesn't have for free (interlibrary loan)
- I didn't know about the interlibrary loan system that the library does
- I did not know about the loan system that the library offers to get books or articles brought to SVSU
if the library does not own it.
- I learned we can rent books even if the library doesn't have what we need


-That the library is a much better resource than I thought it was, and the library has some textbooks for free
-There are a lot databases in the world
- The library has many people and systems that are there to help me with research
- How the library is going to help me find what I need

- How to schedule a study room
- I didn't know that you can book study rooms.

- That there are 400,000 ebooks online for me to access through the library
- I learned that the Zahnow library has over 300,000 E books at the student's disposal

- That SVSU pays for so many resources so that we don't have to
- I learned that this was available for students here and that we don't have to pay for any of these sources
- the cost for articles and scholarly journals is included with tuition
- I should never pay for a article online because SVSU will find sources and help me try to find sources for free

- The library has databases we can search online
- That you could virtually access the library

- how to access the library online
- How the online Library works

-I did not know that every piece of information you need about an article is on the website

- I did not know that there was a page on the library's website that could give me all kinds of information about the tutoring center

- The chat box feature on the library page

- I didn't know there was a chat room on the website

- Getting to the database using Quicklinks

- I learned about how big the online databases are

-It will be helpful when doing research

-there's a room in the back of the library for classes

- our library is very useful
- that the library was more than just checking out books and that its actually super helpful

- How to find research for my next paper