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Ken Follett Papers: Boxes 11-14 - Key to Rebecca

Quick Facts

Working title was “The Lies of Alam Halfa” in February 1978

Was called "Key to Rebecca" in July 1979. First draft written in November 1979 with that title.

Published in 1980 by William Morrow, New York.

Published in French as Le code Rebecca by Robert Laffont

Published in German as Der Schlüssel zu Rebecca by Lübbe

Published in Italian as Il Codice Rebecca by Mondadori


The Key to Rebecca
BOX 11
(1) Research: Spiral notebook with handwritten notes n.d.  61pp.
(2) Research: Handwritten notes n.d. 10pp.
(3) Research: Handwritten notes n.d.   8pp.
(4) Research: Handwritten notes n.d.   1p.
(5) Research: Handwritten notes n.d.   1p.
(6) Correspondence from Follett to Zuckerman: Summary of the true story behind the battle 22 February 1978  1p.
(7) Research: Notes on the intelligence background to the battle of Alam Halfa 22 February 1978 8pp.
(8) Correspondence from Diana Levine to Al Zuckerman, questions for Follett 10 July 1979 1p.
(9) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Concerning New America Library   11 July 1979 1p.
BOX 12
(10) 1st draft   6 November 1979  364pp.
(11) 2nd draft 12 February 1980 409pp.
BOX 13
(12) Final draft 1 March 1980 409pp.
BOX 14
(13) Out-takes and new matters 1 March 1980 19pp
(14) Correspondence from Pat Golbitz: Comments on last draft
Comments 4 March 1980 2pp.
Draft pages n.d.  16pp.
(15) Correspondence from Diana Levine: Comments on 2nd draft 5 March 1980 3pp.
(16) Correspondence from Follett to Diana Levine and Pat Golbitz: Criticisms of 2nd draft  7 March 1980 2pp.
(17) Correspondence from Janis Graham to Pat Golbitz: Book Digest Magazine, May1980  26 March 1980    1p.
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.