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236 Databases found

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  • Contains a lot of full text
Alternate Name(s) Academic Complete

Articles related to many subject areas. 

  • Newspaper
Alternate Name(s) Newsbank

Articles from newspapers, blogs, and journals. News videos and transcripts.

Accessible Archives
Alternate Name(s) history commons

Please see History Commons. 

  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles and references to articles about computer related topics.

  • Article summaries
  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles about chemistry.

  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles and primary sources about the African American experience.

  • Contains a lot of full text

Works about African American and African history and culture.

  • Contains a lot of full text

References to articles about agriculture. Contains links to full text in many instances. 

References to articles about agriculture and related fields.

  • Data and statistics
  • Contains a lot of full text

Website has data, research, fact sheets, newsletters and more on health care issues.

  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles and references to other works about alternative and holistic medicine. Nursing and health sciences will benefit from this database

  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles and books about the history and culture of the United States and Canada.

  • Contains a lot of full text

Articles and images about the field of applied science.

Articles and references to other works in science and technology.

Articles about art and architecture.

Articles and summaries from many art sources.

Lists of articles going back to 1990. Article citation and abstract will provide options for the full text. 


Resource for finding a career in the arts.
****Please contact the library or the the Department of Theatre for instructions on access.
  • Image

Art and other images.

  • Open Access
Alternate Name(s) arXive

Mostly pre-print articles about STEM subjects and economics. Open Access. Check with your professor before using because many of these articles have not undergone a complete peer review process.

  • Image

Downloadable maps

Information about businesses, executives and residents. 

  • Image

Resource about automobiles.

  • Video

Streaming video on a variety of topics.


Articles and references about famous people.

References to biographical resources.

Reference to articles about agriculture, biology, forestry, and ecology

  • Government
  • Newspaper
  • Image
  • Contains a lot of full text

Information written by African Americans involved in the movement to end slavery in the United States between 1830 and 1865.

Documents on the history of African Americans.

Summaries and book reviews of books on a variety of topics.

  • Image

Art and historical images.

Articles and references to articles in business related fields.
  • Ebooks

Summaries of business books.

Articles and references to articles about business related topics.

  • Video

Videos about business topics.


Alternate Name(s) Cabell's
Directory about journals for researchers submitting for publication. The SVSU subscription is for business related fields only.
NEW: Predatory Reports, which covers all disciplines in Cabell's.
  • Ebooks

Article resources and books.

Articles about Caribbean culture and countries.

Articles about Central and Eastern Europe.

Alternate Name(s) RIA Checkpoint

For SVSU students to use this database off-campus, you must create a login and password. 




Click REGISTRATION PAGE to create your account.

Opinion pieces about children and young adult books.

Reference source with reviews of new books, databases, and websites.

  • Newspaper

Website about historic newspapers.


Articles about nursing and health related topics. Covers nursing, nursing education, nursing technique.

  • Contains a lot of full text
Alternate Name(s) Cochrane Systematic Reviews; Cochrane Database; Cochrane Clinical Answers

Articles about health care issues. Link will take you directly to Cochrane Reviews (Cochrane Systematic Reviews) and Clinical Answers. The library subscribes to both products. 

College subject reviews with practice tests for 6 graduate school record exams.

Success skills and tools for college life.

Articles, summaries, and references to articles about communication topics.

Articles and books about health issues and topics.

  • Ebooks

Ebooks about various countries.

Articles about Congressional matters.

Articles about multiple subjects. Current popular topics include humanities, health & medicine, and environmental sciences.

Articles and references to articles about criminal justice topics.


Reference of articles about computer science. Limited full text access.


Statistics about U.S. demographics and consumer data.
  • Open Access
  • Image

Letters, photographs, posters, oral histories, video clips, sheet music, and more that tell stories of national significance.

  • Video

Written and teaching resources about theatre. Plays and musicals.

  • Government
A search tool that searches multiple federal databases, providing reports, articles, and other published by the Government Printing Office (GPO). This covers many topics. *May include some non-government publications.
  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

Academic ebooks.

  • Open Access

Articles and journals about various topics.

  • Ebooks
Alternate Name(s) DSM, Diagnostic & Statistical Manual DSM5

Key reference work for working in mental health.


  • Image

Back issues of Ebony Magazine dating from 1945-2014. Focuses on African American topics.

  • Ebooks

Ebooks about various academic topics.

  • Ebooks

Ebooks about business topics.

  • Ebooks

Ebooks about various topics.

  • Ebooks
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest Business Ebooks

Ebooks about business and management.

  • Ebooks

Academic ebooks.

Summaries and some full text in a variety of titles.

Website with filings and submissions by companies to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Articles about education and related fields, not full text but information about the articles
Articles about education and related fields of study

Articles about education from early childhood to higher education

Articles, maps, and activities for Spanish language learners and speakers.

Articles about history and culture in the United States

Directory of associations, societies, and other non-profit membership organizations in the United States of America. (

Articles, books, case studies, company profiles, and videos about entrepreneurship and small business

Articles about the environment, agriculture, energy, ecology and more.

Articles about education from early childhood to higher education.

Articles about education from the U.S. Department of Education

Essays from anthologies in the humanities and social sciences. Index will direct you to the book containing the essay.


Multiple database search. Search by topic or individual databases such as MEDLINE, WorldCat, OAIster, and ERIC. Full Text options may be linked in the citation or abstract. 

  • Open Access

Articles, books, and primary sources from open access publishers.


  • Ebooks

Reference books covering the following topics: education, environment, general reference (including employment, health and wellness, personal finance, and social skills), history, law, nation and world, religion, and science.

  • Video
  • Image
  • Audio

Articles presenting viewpoints on many topics.

Articles about astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, health & medicine, oceanography, physics, zoology and more science related subjects.
  • Ebooks
  • Image

Books about art, freely available online

Country guides with information about culture, geography, history, language, and more
  • Ebooks

Books on a variety of subjects. See a Librarian for ways to obtain full access.

Articles and dissertations on variety of subjects mainly from scholarly literature. 
Locate the complete documents through your library or on the web.

Instructions for optimizing results here: Library Links Instructions

  • Government

U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).

Articles about the human impact on the environment.
  • Ebooks
  • Image
Alternate Name(s) Grove Dictionary of Art; Oxford Art

ATTENTION USERS: We only subscribe to Grove Art which is one product on the Oxford Art Online platform. There is a 3 user limit. If you cannot access Grove, this is likely the reason why. Please contact the Library's Research Services Desk at 989-964-4242 if you have any difficulty accessing what you need. 

Articles and reference books about art and artists

Full text includes government documents regarding gun regulation in the United States. Full text articles may be found elsewhere in the library or through a Tipasa request.


Newspaper, Harper's Weekly, published from 1857-1912

Articles about health, nutrition, childcare, sports medicine written for patients and their families.

Articles about nursing and allied health written for health professionals. Also includes generic drug education sheets for patients.

  • Newspaper
  • Image
Alternate Name(s) Accessible Archives

Digitized newspapers, magazines of historical interest. 

Articles, books and first hand historical documents about historical topics and figures

Documents about homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management.
Articles, fiction, plays, poetry, interviews and reviews about the humanities (arts, communication, history, literature. philosophy, religion)
  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

Books which are freely available to all

Articles about the humanities, including art, dance, literature and many more.


  • Video
1. If you have an account using your SVSU email address, log in with that.
2. If you do not have an account, click on "Create Account" then follow the steps.
3. Once you have created an account, verified it (link in your email) and then logged in, agree to the Terms.
4. Select "ICE Videos" then choose the video you need to watch.
Alternate Name(s) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Articles about electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
  • Open Access
Articles about engineering and robotics.
  • Ebooks

Books and topic guides about macroeconomics, globalization, demographics, emerging markets, and other financial subjects.

Articles, court decisions, and legislation about U.S. and international law.

  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

Articles about high energy physics.

Articles about anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Translations and transcriptions of opera arias and art song texts.


Articles and biographies about historical and contemporary Jewish people.


Articles and books, primarily in the humanities and social sciences.

  • Open Access
  • Ebooks
The easiest way to find OA books through the JSTOR link, above, is to enter a search term, then select "Books" under Item Type in the Advanced search page. Zahnow has access to only Open Access JSTOR books at this time. Other titles will need to be requested through Tipasa.


  • Video

Videos about multiple subjects. 

Please view these short tutorials on using streaming video, prepared by Zahnow Librarians. 

Recommended Tutorial: Streaming Videos at Zahnow Library

Recommended Tutorial: Finding Videos at SVSU

Recommended Tutorial: Adding Streaming Video to a Canvas Course

Due to rising costs, Kanopy is now mediated. If you want a film in Kanopy that is not already leased you will need to search for the video in Kanopy and submit the request form on the video's landing page or contact the library. You should hear back no later than three (3) business days after the request. 

You can see a list of SVSU's currently leased Kanopy streaming videos here: Kanopy List 

If you have any questions please reach out to the library: Library Help


  • Video
  • Ebooks

Books, videos, and study tools for exam preparation and career planning.

Books and legal forms by state.

Articles about law.

Articles about library and information science.

Articles about library and information science.
Scores, sheet music, and accompaniment tracks
Articles, books and reports about library and information science.
  • Image

Complete magazine including articles, ads, and pictures from November, 1936 to December, 2000.

Articles about the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Not full text.

Short stories, poems, information about authors. Topics include: plot summaries, literary criticism, book reviews, novels, and author interviews.

Articles, books, reviews, plays, poetry and primary texts about literature in English.


Articles and reference books about business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY, and fashion. Contains Consumer Reports. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.

Articles and reviews about math, Not full text.

Abstracts from medical journals.

Articles about nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, dentistry, and veterinary medicine.
  • Video
  • Audio

To search for operas, scroll down until you reach Met Opera on Demand: Student Access. Then search for the opera you would like to watch by typing in the title on the search box on the right.

Books about art and art history.

Biographical information about Michigan authors and illustrators.

Laws and legislative documents from the state of Michigan.
County histories and atlases of Michigan published before 1923.
Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases. The text of the decisions and documents are provided in PDF format.
  • Newspaper

Newspapers from Michigan, organized by county. Limited selection, mostly small local newspapers.

Journals and series about literature, linguistics, and modern languages that are included in the MLA International Bibliography database

Articles and books about language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, film, and related topics. Coverage includes literature from all over the world.

Historical ​records about genealogy and history primarily from the United States, and Europe.


Internal memos, legal briefings and direct action summaries from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) from 1909 to 1972.

Articles, books, reports and other documents related to child abuse and neglect.
  • Audio

Classical music recordings.

  • Government
  • Video
  • Ebooks
  • Audio

Reports about criminal justice and drug control to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.

Reports about criminal justice and drug control to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
  • Newspaper


You must create your own account. When creating the account, YOU MUST USE YOUR SVSU.EDU EMAIL. 

Need Instructions? Handout or Video

  • Newspaper

First hand historical documents, 1851-2017.


Please see Access World News. 

  • Newspaper

Newspaper articles, tv and radio news transcripts.

Alternate Name(s) ProQuest Nursing

Articles and dissertations about the health sciences.


Descriptions of resources from open archive collections.

Saginaw area obituaries back to the 19th century. Freely available to all.

Articles from a wide variety of sources and subjects.

  • Open Access
Openly available dissertations, freely available. Note: Dissertations are not peer-reviewed research or scholarly articles. Students should check with their faculty before citing in a research paper or presentation.
  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

Ebooks that are freely available to all. Not academic.

  • Open Access
Government funded reports and studies about energy policy. Freely available to all.

Articles covering nursing and the health sciences.

Alternate Name(s) OED
Dictionary that provides detailed information about the English language.
  • Ebooks
Alternate Name(s) Grove Music Online

Encyclopedia of music.


Not full text, but information about articles from The British Library Document Centre.

Information for consumers about health topics.

Descriptions of articles about topics in philosophy. Not full text.
Information about articles related to sports, sports health, and sports education. Not full text.
  • Open Access
Articles with a focus on the sciences. Freely available to all.

Articles, images and other information about poetry and short stories.

Articles and information on a variety of current topics.

Articles and information relating to political science.

  • Open Access
Dissertations and theses on a variety of topics.

Information about conference proceedings. Not full text.

Articles for librarians and educators.

  • Open Access
Freely available ebooks. Downloadable.
Articles related mostly to the humanities.
Ebooks mostly relating to the humanities.
  • Open Access
Ebooks and articles freely available to all.
  • Video
  • Ebooks
  • Newspaper
  • Audio
  • Capstones, Theses, Dissertations

Articles and information on a variety of topics. 26 databases, searchable at one time. 

Articles and more covering business topics.
  • Video
  • Ebooks
  • Newspaper
  • Image
  • Audio
  • Data and statistics
  • Capstones, Theses, Dissertations

Articles on many topics.

Articles related to science and technology.
Articles primarily from the American Psychological Association.

Articles focused on psychology.

Articles focused on psychology.
Information about articles focused on psychology. Not full text.
Test summaries; test development of psychological tests; focused mostly on unpublished tests. Some full text tests available that are in the public domain.
Articles on PTSD and mental health effects.
  • Open Access
Research from the National Institutes of Health with a focus on chemistry. Freely available to all.
  • Government
Use this database if you do not have SVSU credentials to access our databases.

Articles and information focusing on the health sciences. Freely available to all.
  • Government
This is PubMed but more. Use this version if you have have SVSU credentials to access our subscription databases (you are a current student, staff or faculty member). You can then locate the full text of some articles in our full text subscription databases.
  • Government
Articles primarily focused on physics. Freely available to all.


Articles on many topics.

Spanish language resource. Articles cover many subjects.

  • Newspaper

Articles cover news about business.

RIA Checkpoint

Please see Checkpoint Edge for a link to access this database.

Information about articles related to music. Not full text.


Articles from many disciplines in the health and social sciences.

  • Newspaper

Local news dating back to 1881.

  • Government
  • Image

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps covering many US cities, mostly from the 19th century.

Articles relating to many science-related topics.


Articles from 1995 to the present mostly covering the sciences.

  • Ebooks

Ebooks on science and social science topics. 

Information about chemicals. Click on Additional Info for details on registration if you are new to SciFinder-n.

  • Open Access
Articles related to topics in science. Freely available to all.
  • Government

Scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy and DOE funded research institutions. Freely available to the public. 

Articles and documents on slavery in the United States.

Full text includes government documents regarding slavery in the United States. Full text articles may be found elsewhere in the library or through a Tipasa request.

Information about running a small business.

Articles covering the social sciences.
Information about articles covering social services topics. Not full text.
Social Services Abstracts provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations as well as citations to book reviews.
Articles relating to topics in sociology.
Information about authors. Includes the Something About the Author Autobiography Series.
Articles about kinesiology, sports, physical education, etc.
Articles that mostly relate to the sciences and social sciences.
  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

E-books on multiple subject. Freely available to all.

  • Open Access
Ebooks in the public domain.
Statistics related to many areas. US based.
Alternate Name(s) JSTOR Primary Sources
Collection of primary sources from JSTOR.
  • Image

Primary sources about student activism since the 1960s.


Information about articles and books related to education.
Ebooks providing reference information on assorted topics.
  • Newspaper
Alternate Name(s) WSJ

Direct link to the publication on the ProQuest One Business.

  • Image

Back issues of Time Magazine, covering 1923 - 2000. Articles cover a variety of topics.

Information about turfgrass.


Information about journals and newspapers. Not full text.

  • Government
First hand accounts and documents from the United Nations, freely available to all.
  • Government
The federal laws of the United States.
  • Government
Supreme Court decisions since the 1990s. Freely available to all.
  • Open Access
  • Ebooks

Ebooks published as open access. Look for the open "lock" under the thumbnail.

UptoDate is an evidence-based support tool to help find the latest research and information in medicine and patient care.

Please NOTE: To use this resource you must be an SVSU student, faculty or staff and you must register for an account using this database page. Please see the attached handout for further instructions.


Information on research about urban history. Not full text.


Articles on legal topics. Includes the laws.
Alternate Name(s) JSTOR Primary Sources

Collection of primary sources from JSTOR.

Information about materials from libraries worldwide. Not full text.

Information about dissertations and theses. Not full text.

Information about political science articles. Not full text.


Open database of article abstracts with some full text links.

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New Database!

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
  • Government
A search tool that searches multiple federal databases, providing reports, articles, and other published by the Government Printing Office (GPO). This covers many topics. *May include some non-government publications.
For questions or problems concerning access to the library's online resources, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.