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SVSU Students

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Scholarly vs. Peer Reviewed

Peer reviewed journals (also sometimes called "refereed" journals) are always scholarly.  However, not all scholarly journals (also called "academic" journals) are peer reviewed. It's important to keep this mind when doing research, especially when your instructor asks you to locate peer-reviewed journal articles.

Peer reviewed journals are those where the articles submitted undergo a rigorous process of review by peers in the author's chosen field. An article in a peer reviewed journal is always considered a credible source of information.

Many of the library databases allow you to limit your search results to peer-reviewed journal articles.  Look under the database search box(es) for a checkbox to limit your search. Use the "Find Articles" tab above to access the library databases.

Is the journal peer-reviewed?

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory Database Image

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Matt Buckley
Zahnow Library
7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.