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PSYC 315 Adolescent Psychology: Organization of Materials

This guide is to assist students in PSYC 315 with their class and research needs.

LCSH Classification

LCSH Classification for Psychology


1-1999 Psychology, Parapsychology, Occult Sciences.

1-940 Psychology

173-175 Psychoanalysis

176 Psychological Tests and Testing

180-205 Experimental Psychology

207-209 Psychotropic Drugs

231-299 Sensation, Aesthiology

309-499 Consciousness, Cognition, Perception, Intuition

501-504.3 Motivation

511-593 Emotion, Feeling, Affection

608-635 Will, Choice, Volition

636-637 Applied Psychology

660-685 Comparative Psychology

698-698.9 Personality

699-711 Genetic Psychology

712-724.85 Developmental Psychology

721-723 Child Psychology

795-839.5 Temperament, Character (Ethology)

839.8-861 Physiognomy

866-885 Phrenology

889-905 Graphology

908-940 The Hand, Palmistry

1001-1389 Parapsychology

1048-1108 Hallucinations, Sleep, Dreaming, Visions

1111-1156 Hypnotism, Suggestion, Mesmerism, Subliminal Projection

1161-1171 Telepathy, Mind Reading, Thought Transference

1228-1389 Spiritualism

1404-1999 Occult Sciences

1445-1486 Ghosts, Apparitions, Hauntings

1501-1562 Demonology, Satanism, Possession

1562.5-1584 Witchcraft

1585-1623 Magic, Hermetics, Necromany

1651-1729 Astrology

1745-1779 Oracles, Divinations

1783-1815 Seers, Prophets, Prophecies

1845-1891 Fortune-Telling