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Music: Non-Western Music Bibliography

Helping you find music resources in Zahnow Library

Search tips

  • The study of non-Western is called Ethnomusicology. Use this term in your searches to get more results.
  • Remember that the country whose music you are studying may have undergone a change in its name over time. Example: Ireland became an independent country in 1922. Prior to that, it was ruled by England. (Technically, Northern Ireland -a different country - still is.) A more complete search for Irish music would include the names: United Kingdom, Ireland, Irish Republic, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, and British Isles. Send me an email ( if you need help figuring out names that would apply the the country you're researching.
  • Prominent scholars to look out for in your research results: Bruno Nettl, Philip V. Bohlman, Michael Tanzer, Timothy Rice, Bonnie Wade, and Jeff Todd Titan.


Archipelagos of sound: transnational Caribbeanities, women and music by Ifeona Fulani

Excursions in world music Edited by Timothy Rommen and Bruno Nettl (and 8 others)

Musical culture and the spirit of Irish Nationalism, 1848-1972 by Richard Parfitt [Ebook]

What she go do: women in Afro-Trinidadian music by Hope Munro


Subject Guide

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Heather Fisher
She / her / hers
Zahnow Library