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Online & Hybrid Library Support Assessment Survey-Student AY 2015: Usage Information

Question 1: Which online course resources or services did you use in your online hybrid course? (select all that apply)

Question 2: Describe "other" response from question 1

  • Scott and Anita came to our first class. The students were very comfortable with Scott, our librarian.
  • Indirectly used advice provided by Course Librarian to other students (Nurs 806) on accessing online books for the course.
  • Excellent. Quick. Very helpful
  • it's essay to use on any device you want
  • MELCat
  • link within my class on v-space

Question 3: How have you accessed library material in your online or hybrid course? (select all that apply)

Question 4: Describe "other" response from question 3

  • because i am student here and i know to search !
  • I have asked Scott a couple of times to find articles and he would send me the links via e-mail

Question 5: Did you contact the online course librarian for assistance?


24% of students responded that they used the Course Librarian when responding to the question "Which online course resources or services did you use in your online or hybrid course? (Select all that apply) as opposed to the 59% that responded yes when asked the question "Did you contact the online course librarian for assistance?" This discrepancy in student reporting indicates that one of the questions may be confusing for students and these questions need to be examined further.

The percentage of students who responded yes to the question "Did you contact the online course librarian for assistance?" grew from 48% in 2012 to 59% in 2015. 

Over half of the students responded that they used the library link from the main SVSU Web page to access the library materials they used; because of this the library needs to make sure that support for these online students is clearly marked from the library homepage as well as in the VSpace or Canvas course.