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Melvin J. Zahnow Library Forms Page:: Home

Page that host all of the Melvin J. Zahnow Library forms: Display Use Form, Travel Request Form, Supply Request Form, Graphics Order Form, Employee Travel Reimbursement Form, and all other forms as developed:

Melvin J, Zahnow Library Forms Page:

All Melvin J. Zahnow Library forms are required to be filled out with as much specific detail as possible on each form by it's requestor:

Any form not filled out with as much detail as required will be returned for re-submission from it's originator:

Include: Pdf files when necessary

Submit All Forms to your Supervisor for authorization and they will submit to the Library Director for review and approval or denial:

Administrative Secretary

Melvin J. Zahnow Library Display Use Form:

The Melvin J. Zahnow Library Display Use Form is to be filled out and submitted to the Melvin J. Zahnow Library Director for review and approval before a display can be set up in the Library Display Cabinets and specified areas throughout the library:

This form is for use by Library Staff, University Administration, University Staff and Faculty and Select Public Users:

All displays are the responsibility of display requestor for set up and tear down in conjunction with dates and times requested on the signed agreement form and authorized.

The Library does not fund any cost incurred by a display requestor: 

The Melvin J. Zahnow Library and it's staff are not responsible form lost, damaged or stolen display items:

Any Display that is not removed by the dates agreed upon will be removed and discarded: (The Library does not store display items that are left behind by the display requestor).

All display approvals will have a time limit on how long they will be displayed.

The Melvin J. Zahnow Library Administration has the right to approve or deny any display request:

Zahnow Library Staff Travel Request Form:

This form is for Library Staff Members when they are traveling on library business and/or traveling for Professional Development reasons:

All forms will be filled out with as much specific detail as possible for processing: (Any incomplete Travel Request Forms submitted will be denied until it is filled out properly to it's requestor)

All forms will be submitted to your immediate supervisor and then submitted to the Library Director for approval or denial:
(Remember all forms submitted are not a guarantee of approval as all travel is subject to funds available).

Be specific with your travel times/dates with regards to mode of transportation, hotel reservations, and so on. The form can not be processed without your specific time and dates of departure and return travel, hotel check in and check out and for flight travel you will need to include your birth date. Extra information can be added in the box at the bottom of the form where it says "Additional Information".

Include specific hotel names or airports names, train depots names, and locations.

Add links to Conference registration pages for the conferences you wish to attend.

For those requesting a SVSU Motor Pool Vehicle for their travel please visit the University Home Page: Click on the A to Z link, select Campus Facilities: Once on their page you can print the Motor Pool Request Form and submit for approval by the library director: Again Be as specific with your details when filling out the form:

NOTE: Many get confused to which form to fill out when traveling: Travel Request Form is for when you wish to submit a travel request form for approval. Upon your return from your travel you will then submit a Employee Travel Expense Voucher for your personal cost incurred during your travel.

Library Supply Request Form: S & E Budget

The Library Supply Request From is for ordering general office supplies and occasional large items for operations: Typical vendors are: Office Depot, Gaylord Archival and DEMCO company, and various other select vendors when necessary.

Supply forms will be submitted to your immediate supervisor for review and then submitted to the library Admin Office for approval.

Each order will require a different supply order form for each vendor: Include links to items requested for items not being ordered from our traditional vendors.

Be specific with item numbers, quantity of items needed, vendor names and their webpages, and item descriptions.

Please click on the attached link for printing this form for submission.

For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.