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Scheduling Z-111 Active Learning Lab: Z-111 Active Learning Lab Information/Overview

Z-111 Library Computer Lab

Z-111 Active Learning Lab Open Hours Policy

The Z-111 lab will be open for students and guests when not scheduled for library instruction or faculty use. In order to provide an environment that promotes active learning, the policy guidelines below need to be followed. Thank you.

Quiet, Group Work Conversation Only

Z-111 Open Hours Guidelines:

No food allowed in Z-111.  No exceptions.   

Only drinks with covered lids are allowed in Z-111. No exceptions.

Please be considerate of others when using the lab during open hours.  Z-111 is considered a Zone Green (Quiet Conversation-Group Study) room. However, if a noise compliant is made, your group will be reminded of the Zone Green guidelines.  


Electronic Devices:
All mobile devices should not disturb others. Please set cell phones to vibrate or mute on entry to Z-111. Texting is allowed. Any noise from an electronic device should not be audible to others.  

There are no desktop computers in Z-111. You may use your laptop or checkout a library laptop for use in Z-111. Laptops are available at the Circulation Desk and IT Support Desk. 

Z-111 Lab Schedule:



Z-111 Active Learning Lab 


  • Z-111 is located on the first floor of the Melvin J. Zahnow Library.
  • Furniture includes seating for 40 and 20 tables on wheels for various learning configurations
  • The lab has 59 laptops and an instructor podium with overhead projection and various software programs.
  • Lab hours coincide with library hours.
  • Only SVSU faculty, staff and RSOs (registered student organizations) can request to use Z-111.
  • For a complete list of the software available contact IT Support at 989-964-4225.
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.