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Faculty Student Evaluations: Online Evaluations

Information regarding Faculty Course Evaluations Author: Jaclyn McLean

How to Set Up Online Evaluations

*PLEASE NOTE: If you are added as an Instructor in ANY Canvas Course, you will automatically be assigned an evaluation for that course, even if you are not the designated instructor. If you do not set up the evaluation, it will not be sent out.

Follow the steps below to set up your online evaluations in the EvaluationKit software

  • Log into Canvas and click on “Account”
  • Click on “Profile”
  • Now click on “Course Evaluations”
  • Check to make sure the top right says “Instructor.”
    • You can click on the drop-down and choose “Instructor” to enter the instructor role. If you are only an instructor in courses for the semester, you will already be in instructor mode and can skip this step.
  • Find the “Manage Courses” section towards the top of the page, and click on the link to access the current semester’s course evaluations (e.g. Fall 2022 Course Evaluations)
    • IMPORTANT: Each semester’s evaluation project is added during the 3rd week of the semester and is removed on the Tuesday of exam week. You will need to set up your Online Course Evaluations AFTER the third week of the semester but BEFORE the Tuesday of exam week.
  • After clicking on the semester course evaluation, click the “View” icon to the right of the current semester’s project.
  • Click the “Edit” icon to the right of the course you want to set an evaluation for.
    • *NOTE: you may not want to set an evaluation for every course listed, so pay close attention to the title of the course to make sure you are setting up the right ones.
  • Enter in the dates you want the evaluations to be available to your students. You must enter in BOTH the start date and the end date for the evaluation to be sent out correctly. To enter the dates, click the box under “Course Start Date” and “Course End Date” to open the calendar widget.
    • *Note: the dates you select do not have to reflect the start/end dates of the current semester, the dates you are setting up correspond to the start and end dates for when you want your evaluation sent out to students.
  • Choose the correct date by clicking on the appropriate day on the calendar. Slide the hour and minute sliders to select the correct time, then click the “Done” button. Evaluations must end by 11:59pm the Saturday of exam week. Your end dates will be corrected if you don’t have the correct date.
  • You should now see the evaluation Start and End dates listed in the boxes. If the dates are correct, click the “save” button to save and publish the evaluation. Once the evaluation has been saved, you can no longer go back and change the dates, and it will disappear from your list of courses in EvaluationKIT. If you made a mistake or wish to change your dates, reach out to the EvaluationKIT administrator for help (

For more instructions along with screenshots, click this link to go to the IT Help article on setting up online evaluations.

For questions or problems concerning access to library resources, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.