Contact your Department Chair for department procedures.
Contact your liaison to recommend titles for the library collection or to identify the need for material by subject. Liaisons may submit regular purchase requests for print and electronic resources from July 15th through April 15th.
Contact the Library Director, Anita Dey (x4236), for special requests, new periodical or electronic database suggestions, and questions and comments.
The Library Director will make final purchase decisions for new periodical and electronic database subscriptions in consultation with the library departmental liaison, the requesting faculty member, and the academic department.
Library Collection
The library collection comprises over 650,000 items in the circulating, reference, online, and archives collections. This includes more than 200,000 print and 95,000 electronic book volumes; 25,000 DVDs, videos, and CDs; and 40,000 print and online periodical titles.
You may search and browse our collection at our library’s website: