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SVSU Students

Provides assistance, tips and strategies for using Zahnow Library resources

Accessing the library

Getting Connected


For locating items in Zahnow Library, use the "Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more" search box on the main library homepage. For questions about connecting to your library account, using library databases, Interlibrary Loan/Tipasa, eMail, Canvas, refer to the information below.

What you need: SVSU username and password

  • All Library systems use the SVSU username and password for authentication.
  • Check if your username and password are correct by accessing your SVSU email account
  • If it doesn't work
    • If your username is correct but you forgot your password (or it expired) go to the Change Password
    • If you are not sure about your username, or for more information go to the ITS support site

What you need: a current record on our Library system (Classic Catalog/CardCat)

  • Remote access to our subscription research databases requires a complete record in our Library system. While records are uploaded to our system before each semester, depending on your registration process, etc., it is still a good idea to check to make sure you are set
  • Check if your Library record is properly set up by logging into My Library Account
  • Note: use the username / password boxes (use your SVSU login), not the side name / barcode boxes
  • If there are any problems please contact the Circulation Desk 989.964.4240 or svsu_library(at)

What you need to know

  • Your instructors may have materials on reserve in the Library. Electronic Reserves (articles) will be available through your Canvas account. Everything else may be found at the 1st floor Circulation Desk
  • Research Help & FAQ pages have been prepared by our Librarians in the form of subject guides, interactive online tutorials and FAQ pages
  • See the Interlibrary Loan page for information on using Tipasa (traditional ILL) and MeLCat (Michigan's ILL system)

Using the Library

Making sense of the Library

Where to find help

  • Depending on your needs and location, go to
    • The Research Desk (1st floor Library) : 989.964.4242 or Ask Us!
    • The Circulation Desk (1st floor Library) : 989.964.4240 or svsu_library(at)
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.