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Social Work 318: Describe Privileges & Advantages

Describe Privileges/Advantages

1)  of dominant groups
2)  discuss personal & professional values of social workers
3)  discuss values & beliefs of population
4)  discuss values & beliefs of the dominate culture
5)  describe how conflicts in values or beliefs influence helping

Topic Related Databases

Research tips for "Describe Privileges & Advantages

Use the database links on the left to start researching this topic. Below are search tips that will help when doing research with the library databases. Good luck!

 Search tips for most databases:

-"use quotes for phrase searching"

-use boolean operator "AND" to narrow search.
 place "AND" between different aspects/terms of search

-use boolean operator "OR" to expand search.
 place "OR" between similar terms


When researching this topic, use the keywords provided in your assignment rubric (also listed in top left box). Search for one component listed at a time. However, you may find more than one discussed in the same article so read carefully!

example-searching for one component of "describe privileges/advantages" of your population"
enter your population and component keywords in the database search boxes as shown below

"mentally ill" AND "social workers" AND vaules OR beliefs

also try
"mental health" AND "social workers" AND vaules OR beliefs

Research is not always straight forward. Seldom does one approach (set of keywords) work. As you research, take note of similar words or phrases that might also work. For example, the word "opinion or attitude" might work in addition to values and beliefs


Research Librarian

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William Adame
Zahnow Library
7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710