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Online & Hybrid Library Support Assessment Survey-Student AY 2012: Conclusion and Recommendations

This guide contains data and analysis of a survey sent out to students taking online and hybrid classes that had an embedded course librarian for the 2011-2012 Academic Year.

Lessons Learned

Students found the Online Course Librarian to be very helpful, and several stated that it was helpful to know where to go to ask questions about research. Several students appreciated the instructional materials or the in-class library instruction that they received. Students also appreciated that the librarians had good availability and quick responses to their student inquiries. Since most students strongly agreed or agreed that working with the Online Course Librarian improved their research skills, librarians should continue offering the same level of knowledgeable help to students enrolled in these courses.

Since most students are having positive experiences with the Online Course Librarian, the program should continue as is with some minor tweaks based on suggestions. 


Based on the recommendations of students, the library should look into how user friendly the website functions, especially for online and non-traditional students. These tests could show how students are using the website and how their experiences can be improved. It is also necessary to look into how students with disabilities and helping technologies (such as screen readers) are using the website.

The library should look into how to keep the same level of service to students while still expanding the program and ensure that this program is scalable to reach all online and hybrid courses that have a research component. 

It is also recommended that the Online Course Librarian Survey be moved to SurveyGizmo. Here is a link to an example survey created for this assessment.