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Online & Hybrid Library Support Assessment Survey-Student AY 2012: Survey

This guide contains data and analysis of a survey sent out to students taking online and hybrid classes that had an embedded course librarian for the 2011-2012 Academic Year.


1.       Which online course resources or services did you use in your online hybrid course? (select all that apply)

a.       Online Books

b.      Course Librarian

c.       Library Catalog

d.      Library Databases (to access online journal articles)

e.      ILLiad (interlibrary loan for articles not online)

f.        Electronic Course Reserves

g.       Online library research tutorials

h.      Other

2.       Describe "other" response from question 1

3.       How have you accessed library material in your online or hybrid course?

a.       From the library link on the main SVSU Web page

b.      From a library related link within your VSpace course

c.       A personal bookmark/favorite from your web browser

d.      Via email

e.      By phone Other

4.       Describe "other" response from question 3

5.       Did you contact the online course librarian for assistance

a.       Yes

b.      No

6.       If you contacted the online course librarian, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement; Working with the online course librarian improved my research skills and my understanding of available library resources and services

a.       Strongly Disagree

b.      Disagree

c.       Unsure

d.      Agree

e.      Strongly Agree

7.       What comments do you have about your experiences with the online course librarian?

8.       What comments do you have about the presence of an online course librarian in your VSpace of Canvas course?

9.       Please comment or give suggestions regarding library support for your online/hybrid course