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FY2013 Chat Assessment Report: Patron Satisfaction

This guide contains data and analysis of a survey sent out to patrons who used the Melvin J. Zahnow Library’s live chat service for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year.

Rate your satisfaction with the chat experience:

Would you use library chat again?

Chat service hours were adequate.

What aspects of chat did you find most valuable?

Please comment or give suggestions regarding the library chat service.


Most respondents were Extremely Satisfied with their experience with the chat service. There were only a few who listed their experience as only somewhat satisfactory and no one said that they were not satisfied with the chat experience. 

Several users commented on how helpful and friendly the librarians are that answer the chat services. A few even mentioned that librarians went above and beyond helping them by following up on their question later on through email. The users also enjoyed how quickly librarians respond to questions and that they were able to receive helpful responses via chat. 

All respondents said that they would use the chat service again. This shows that even though there were differences in satisfaction among the users, everyone that responded still thought that this was a valuable service for Zahnow Library to offer and would use it again to help in their research. 

Most of the respondents said that this service was very convenient and helpful. There weren’t as many responses to this question as there were to other open ended questions on the survey, but most respondents talked about the convenience and said that they would use the service again.

Most respondents (96%) said that the chat service hours were adequate for their needs, but some did offer suggestions of how to improve service hours in the comments. Again, a large number of respondents didn’t answer this open-ended question but most people agreed that there were goof current hours. One respondent said “Always there when I need it.” A couple of respondents said that they would prefer if the service was available “at least until midnight” and another said that it should be available 24/7 for student use. According to our statistics, most students chatted between 6pm and 9pm.  

Most respondents said that they find the current hours adequate and stated that there was always a librarian available when they had a question. One person even said that the “hours were great because I work late.” A couple of people suggested that this should become a 24/7 service and one person said that the service should be offered until midnight. One respondent said that they were unsure of the current chat hours.

Most respondents said that they find the librarians’ fast responses to be the most valuable part of their chat experience. In FY2013, librarians answered questions in 29 seconds on average. Several respondents also mentioned that the librarians they were chatting with were extremely knowledgeable and helpful. One person said that the most valuable part of this service is “knowing a qualified and personable professional was replying”. Other respondents focused on the convenience, hours and ease of use in their responses. 

In response to the prompt about suggestions to this service, most respondents stated that it was a great service and that the librarians answering questions were helpful. One person stated, “I really enjoy this service. It makes me want to use the library more often.” Some people asked that the service continue, unsure if this was a permanent service that the library offered. There were several helpful suggestions that the library will look into, such as one person stated, “I would highly suggest screencasting feature into the chat service.” 

Question 7-9 Categorization