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FY2013 Chat Assessment Report: Executive Summary

This guide contains data and analysis of a survey sent out to patrons who used the Melvin J. Zahnow Library’s live chat service for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year.


This survey was conducted during the Academic Year 2012-2013. ­55 responses were received from 275 students for a 20% return rate. Of the responses, 96% were either Extremely Satisfied, Very Satisfied or Satisfied with their chat experience.

This report will outline the successes and suggestions of this assessment and will lead the direction of this service in future years. The questions could be placed into three categories: demographic information, usage information, and overall satisfaction.

Respondents mentioned a librarian by name 11 times and mentioned librarians 22 times in their open ended responses.

During FY2013, librarians answered 2,093 chats. On average, patrons waited 29 seconds to have a librarian answer their questions and chats lasted about 8 minutes. 

Quick Facts


1. Look into a screen sharing software that can be integrated into chat
2. Look into a mobile app that offers the chat service
3. Link to a FAQ page when chat is unavailable
4. Librarians should identify themselves and ask if the user has any additional needs
5. Advertise chat hours, especially night and weekend hours