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FY2016 Chat Assessment Report: Patron Satisfaction

This guide contains the data and analysis of the FY 2016 survey that was sent to patrons that utilized the Melvin J. Zahnow Library’s chat service during that time period.

Rate your satisfaction with the chat experience:

Would you use library chat again?

Chat service hours were adequate.

What aspects of chat did you find most valuable?

Please comment or give suggestions regarding the library chat service.


This section of the survey asks users about their satisfaction with the chat experience and asks users about improvements that can be made to improve the service. Librarians will use the answers to this questions in order to improve the chat service and learn about user satisfaction with the service. 

Most of the users were either Extremely Satisfied or Very Satisfied with their chat experience. 12% of people responded that they were Satisfied with the service and 9% said that they were Somewhat Satisfied. None of the users that responded to the service said that they were Not Satisfied with the service. 

Many of the respondents mentioned that they appreciated the prompt responses to their questions and how helpful and friendly the librarians are when they answer the questions. Users also mentioned that the responses to their questions were helpful and they were able to get their answers. They value access to librarians that can give quick and helpful responses. One person responded “They always have a very fast response and answer all of my questions.”

This section also offered helpful suggestions for how to improve the chat service. One respondent stated “I just wish the chat stayed there even if you left the page. Maybe if the chat bubble could be made into a tab itself or something else like that.” There is a way in the current system to pop chat out of the box, but to it is helpful to make that more clear on the library’s homepage and in the chat boxes.

One respondent said that the chat service was confusing, but didn’t give any specifics about why they were confused. The respondent also said that “it was a confusing and annoying set up.” The library can look into where students may run into confusion and get frustrated with this service. 

All of the respondents said that they would use the chat service again, which shows that even if a respondent had a suggestion of how to improve chat they still value the chat experience. 

While all of the respondents said that they would use the chat service again, they gave multiple reasons as to why they would continue to use this service. Three respondents highlighted that they had an overall great experience with the chat service. Another respondent reiterated that the librarians that answered their question were helpful. They stated “It is very convenient and the librarians are very helpful. It is useful when I am at home and cannot make it to the library in person.” One user stated that even though they have had connection issues with chat, they still have had overall positive experiences with chat and will continue to use it for library help. 

All of the respondents said that they thought that the chat service hours were adequate. In the comments about the chat hours, most agreed that they had no issues with the current hours. One person stated “They were always on the other end and willing to keep emailing you.” Only one respondent said that they wished that chat had more available hours. Only five respondents filled out the open question part of this response though. 

Most of the respondents valued the fast responses to questions the most. Other people mentioned how convenient the service was, the helpful librarians and that they liked that a real person was chatting with them. One person said that they liked chat because they can’t always call on a phone, they may be in a place where a phone call would disturb other people, and the chat service gives them access to the answers to their questions. Another respondent stated, “I could ask for help easily and I didn’t feel like I was disturbing anyone in the library.” The library should look into advertising the Research Center so patrons don’t feel like they are disturbing anyone when they are asking questions. The librarians should also ensure they are not sending any messages while at the desk that they are being disturbed when someone asks a questions, such as looking too busy with other work.

Most of the respondents said that the chat service is a great service or that they had a good experience with chat. Several said that there is nothing that they would change about the service. There were a few suggestions in response to this question as well. One person suggested that the library makes sure that people are aware that this service exists. Another suggested a redesign of the chat box and another recommended that the service be offered 24/7.

Most of the respondents used this space to reiterate earlier ideas, such as they enjoyed the helpful librarians and the time saving features of this service. 

Question 7-9 Categorization