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2018 ENGL 111 Library Instruction Student Learning Assessment: Activity 4



In this section, students were given several printed articles of varying types (scholarly, magazine, newspaper) and asked to complete an activity that had them identify the different types of articles by their different characteristics. Overall, students scored the highest when identifying magazine articles and the lowest when identifying a newspaper article.  However, when compared to FY 2017 assessment results, correct identification for all three article types increased. 

Able to correctly identify a Scholarly Article

The average score for identifying a scholarly article was 2.54 out of 3. 94.33% of students scored either a 2 or 3 on this section of the activity. Students that scored a three could correctly identify all parts of a scholarly article as well as identifying the article. Students that scored a two could identify the type of article, but had a few mistakes when identifying the different aspects of the article.  This source type had the highest percentage of students scoring a 2 or 3.  Correct identification also increased from the 2017 assessment by over 2.5% .

Able to correctly identify a Magazine Article

Students had an average score of 2.57 out of 3 when identifying a magazine article and 92.35% of students received either a 2 or 3 on this task. This resource type scored the highest in recognition. It had an increase in scores of 2 or 3 by almost 2% over the FY 2017 assessment results.

Able to correctly identify a Newspaper Article

On average, students scored a 2.50 out of 3 when identifying newspaper articles, which is the lowest score of the three.  However, this is an increase of over a half grade score (FY 2017=1.94). 87% of students received a 2 or 3 on this section which is an increase of almost 12% from the FY2017 assessment. However there is further instruction to do since 38 of the students were unable to identify a newspaper article compared to 18 that were unable to identify a magazine article and 14 that were unable to identify a scholarly article.

On average, students scored a 2.50 out of 3 when identifying newspaper articles, which is the lowest score of the three.  However, this is an increase of over a half grade score (FY 2017=1.94). 87% of students received a 2 or 3 on this section which is an increase of almost 12% from the FY2017 assessment. However there is further instruction to do since 38 of the students were unable to identify a newspaper article compared to 18 that were unable to identify a magazine article and 14 that were unable to identify a scholarly article.