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2018 ENGL 111 Library Instruction Student Learning Assessment: Student Reflection



In the student reflections, students were asked to write about something they learned during the instruction session. Most student responses (108) fit into Learning Outcome #1: identifying resources to find materials in multiple formats to meet student research needs. They met this learning outcome by writing about learning how to find different materials. Although there was a 14% decrease with this learning outcome when compared to the FY2017 assessment, most other learning outcomes increased.

There were fourteen students who had reflections that could be categorized into Learning Outcome #2: learning about how information is formally and informally produced. This is an increase of 1% over FY 2017.

Twenty-Seven students reflected that they learned Learning Outcome #3: create a research question from a broad topic in order to search EDS. This learning outcome had a fourteen percent decrease from FY 2017. 

Learning Outcome #4: identifying keywords in order to construct a search strategy had the second most for student reflections (86 students).  This learning outcome increased in comprehension by 10% over FY 2017 results. It was the largest increase for any of the learning outcomes.

There were several responses that didn’t fit within the learning outcomes that were created for the class. Most of these responses (15%) mentioned that students learned how to get help from the librarians. The “other” category had a one percent increase compared to the FY 2017 assessment.