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LGBTQIA Resources

These resources will assist in research on or of interest to LGBTQIA issues (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, questioning, intersexual, asexual and allies).

Self Identification

Beth Johns is the E-Resources Librarian at Zahnow Library. She is a cis gender hetersexual female, white and of west European ancestry. She uses the prounouns she, her and hers.  

Errors and suggestions for this guide are welcome from SVSU students, faculty and staff. Please contact me at the email below (lower left column). 


The LGBTQIA Resource Center at UC-Davis has an extensive glossary of terms used in the community. There is a lot of other information on this site, too, some of which are focused on California, but there are some nationally focused resources as well too. 

LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary

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