Electronic resources -- library databases, ebooks and online journals -- can present a number of access problems occasionally. If you are experiencing difficulty with the Library's resources, we want to help. Occasionally, the problem lies with other systems outside of the library, but we can often provide other solutions, even if temporary. The following steps may provide relief. If not, contact us!
We recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox for accessing the Library's website and electronic resources.
1. Are you on-campus?
2. Are you off campus? Please log in to your SVSU email.
3. Password Is Fine But You Still Cannot Access Resources
4. Still having trouble?
If you have exhausted the list of items to try above and you still cannot access any SVSU Library resources, it’s time to reach out to us. You can contact us via one of the methods in the Contact box below.
For more assistance or other questions about accessing the library's electronic resources, email the following. Please note that there may be a delay in responding.
Beth Johns, MLIS, E-Resources Librarian
Matt Anderson, Library Technology Specialist
Heather Fisher, Head of Access Services
Research Services Librarians (Ask a Librarian)
Library Chat Service (available during available Research Services hours)
Telephone: Research Desk at 989.964.4242 or at the Circulation Desk at 989.964.4240.