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When the system doesn't work!: Steps to try

This is for both public and back end use. What do we do when the system (e-resources, log ins, general computer frustrations, etc.) doesn't work as expected or as it should.

Electronic resources -- library databases, ebooks and online journals -- can present a number of access problems occasionally. If you are experiencing difficulty with the Library's resources, we want to help. Occasionally, the problem lies with other systems outside of the library, but we can often provide other solutions, even if temporary. The following steps may provide relief. If not, contact us

We recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox for accessing the Library's website and electronic resources. 

1. Are you on-campus?

  • If you are in the Library, please visit the Research Services Desk (orange desk on the 1st floor) to speak with a librarian. 
  • If you are on-campus, but in a building other than the library, please call 989.964.4242 for help or chat with us.

2. Are you off campus? Please log in to your SVSU email

  • If your password did not work and you couldn’t get into your email, contact the IT Support Helpdesk at 989.964.4225 to speak with them about resetting your password and getting back onto SVSU network of applications. Avoid invalid characters with your new password.
  • If your password worked and you were able to get into your email, try logging into your Library Account.
    IMPORTANT!  Enter only your username in the Campus Username field, not your entire email - everything before the   Then enter your Campus Password. Ignore the Username and Barcode fields.
  • If you can log in to your email and access your Library Account, your password is good.
  • If you can log into your email and you were able to access your Library Account, but still cannot connect to the Library's databases, e-journals, or ebooks, please go to #3 below.
  • If you were able to login into your email but not your Library Account, it’s possible you have an invalid character in your password and you will need to reset it and try again. You can reset your SVSU password here.

3. Password Is Fine But You Still Cannot Access Resources

  • Check which network you are on. MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOGGED INTO THE SVSUSECURE NETWORK. Most of our resources are not accessible in on the "gaming" network (on or off campus). 
  • If you are not currently registered for classes or an SVSU Faculty or Staff member, you will not be able to access the resources remotely. If you are a community member or alumni, there are freely (open) resources available to you. You can find out more in our Alumni / Visitor Guide.
  • If you are currently registered as a student and enrolled in this semester's classes, or are an SVSU staff member or faculty try these suggestions:
  1.  Is your browser version current? Check Chrome. Check Firefox.
  2. Try a different browser. Clear your browser's cache (history, settings, etc.). For Chrome.  For Firefox.
  3. Try a "private" or "incognito" browsing window. This type of window should be "cache free" without having to do any extra clearing. For instructions on how to access a Firefox private browsing window, go here. For Google Chrome incognito window, go here.
  4. Do you save your passwords to your browser (most browsers offer this option)? If you do, check your passwords in your browser settings and see if an old password is creating the problem. If there is an old password there, delete it. 
  5. Completely log off your computer (power down), then re-start and try again. 

4. Still having trouble?

If you have exhausted the list of items to try above and you still cannot access any SVSU Library resources, it’s time to reach out to us.  You can contact us via one of the methods in the Contact box below.

Contact Information

For more assistance or other questions about accessing the library's electronic resources, email the following. Please note that there may be a delay in responding.

Beth Johns, MLIS, E-Resources Librarian

Matt Anderson, Library Technology Specialist

Heather Fisher, Head of Access Services

Research Services Librarians (Ask a Librarian)

Library Chat Service (available during available Research Services hours)

Telephone: Research Desk at 989.964.4242 or at the Circulation Desk at 989.964.4240.

For questions or problems concerning access to library resources, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.