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University Archives & Special Collections



The University Archives and Special Collections consists of three distinct areas described below.  With very few exceptions all materials must be viewed by appointment in the Library under the supervision of Library staff.


University Archives
The University Archives provides researchers the opportunity to examine primary and secondary source material related to the history of Saginaw Valley State University.  The SVSU University Archives consists of papers and reports from the various departments on campus, and include such material as the Board of Control Minutes, Student Government Minutes, and past issues of both the Interior and the student newspaper, the Valley Vanguard.

Special Collections: Special Collections are semi-unique materials that are mostly related to the state of Michigan and the Tri-county area.  Some of the SVSU Special Collections include the Ken Follett Papers, the Beatrice Roethke Papers, the Oral History Collection, and the Flying Melzoras Collection.

Rare Book Collection: The Rare Book Collection consists of fragile and rare books including SVSU publications, copies of SVSU's Honors Theses and capstone projects, and books and periodicals cataloged and culled from Special Collections.

For questions or problems concerning access to the library's online resources, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.