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New Students: Finding Articles

An introduction to the library's resources for first year students.

Finding Articles

Finding Articles

Articles can be found online by searching in one of the library's subscription databases.  

You can also use the Search With Zahnow search box located on the library's homepage to find articles.  This discovery tool searches nearly half of the library's subscription databases as well as the library's catalog to bring you a combination of articles, books and other material available through the SVSU library.

Type your keywords into the database's search box to find articles on your topic.  Many of the articles contained within the database will be available full-text.  This means you can view the entire article, save it, email it, or print the article immediately.

Helpful Tips

Database Search Tips

  Break your research question down to its main concepts and use those terms as keywords.  

  Try different combinations of words.  Not everyone uses the same exact wording to descibe an idea or concept.

  Click on the PDF full text or HTML full text links to access the entire article.

  Contact a Research Librarian if you are struggling to find articles on your topic.