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ENGL 111 LIbrary Session Student Reflection Comments

Learning Outcome 1-Student Reflection Comments

ALA/ACRL Information Literacy Framework Threshold Concept-(Searching as Strategic Exploration)

Learners who are developing their information literate abilities...
*recognize the value of browsing and other serendipitous methods of information gathering
*exhibit mental flexibility and creativity

ENGL 111 Fall 2022 Student Responses:
-I learned that just by using some key words can open up many sources depending on what words you use. Depending on what words you use can change the sources completely
-I did not know that certain keywords are very useful when looking up resources for a research project
-One specific thing I have learned is to find good sources through different keywords
-how to do a key word search
-I learned that using keywords and not whole sentences help search more specifically to your topic
- I did not know that it only really took specific words to find articles or resources that are very helpful in terms of researching a specific topic
-How to use the database, I didn't have any idea how to search for keywords like that
-I learned that you need to use specific words for research
-I learned how to access the libraries search page and where to find articles.
- I learned how to take a main concept questions and break it down into parts to more efficiently find the information I'm looking for.
- How to use key words to advance your search
- I learned that you can find articles by searching key words on the library website
- The use of key words can direct us to what we seek faster and easier
- How to break words down to specific key words
- How the use of keywords can help with research
- I learned that there are many different ways to search for a topic by changing the wording.
-Using synonyms can give vastly different results.
-This would be using the database to find key things for your research to help develop a better understanding of your topic
-That making key words could help when trying to search things up
- How to type in key words in the search bar the right way
- Keywords and their impact on searches
- I learned how helpful key words can be
- You can use keywords to search for the topic you need
- I know how to use different key words to find more sources
- Using keywords on the database
- How to use key words to look for a good source
-That you can find more specific information in articles when you use key words
- I didn't know you could search key words
- the key word search on svsu's website
-That you can find better wording for a key word by looking at general sources first and don't have to go

right to a scholarly article
-I learned that keyword searches work the same for the library databases as they do for a normal Google search
-How to use keywords to find specific information