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Library student employment: Library Policies

Information for student employment

Library Student Employment Policies

Attendance Policies:

  • You should be ready to work at the time your shift is scheduled and plan to stay until the end of your shift. 
  • Use your student ID to punch in and out at the nearest time clock location (loading dock area behind Access Services)
  • Except in cases of emergency or sudden illness, requests for change in schedules should be made as far in advance as possible
  • You cannot work more than 8 hours on any day, more than 20 hours during a calendar week (fall/winter semesters; 40 hours per week spring/summer semesters and intersession weeks)

Dress and Appearance:

  • Dress appropriate to your work assignment. We place great value on the Library being a "safe place". To this end we can not permit clothing or body art that may be considered threatening, intrusive, or otherwise offensive. Libraries traditionally encourage freedom of expression for our patrons, but this cannot be compromised by those employed in our Library

Attitudinal Expectations:

  • Make a positive impression.
  • Be friendly, respectful and professional.
  • Pay attention to detail.
  • Take initiative.
  • Be enthusiastic and willing.
  • Respect confidentiality of all Library transactions.
  • The Library is committed to public service excellence. It is important to keep in mind what you know so that you do not give incorrect advice. When in doubt always ask a supervisor

Ethical Responsibilities

  • Patron and staff confidentiality is a very serious matter. Violation of confidentiality is cause for immediate dismissal. Examples of breach of confidentiality:
    • Providing *any* personal information about students or staff to anyone. Only Supervisors are authorized to do that
    • Revealing the name of anybody who has a book checked out, or what anyone has checked out in the past
    • Providing student schedule information to anybody
  • Because we engage in financial transactions we have zero tolerance for any variance from established procedures
  • Access Services Students and staff are expected to be model users of library services and  therefore required to abide by all library policies and procedures.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action including being released from employment.

Other Relevant Policies:

  • Eat before or after your shift.  No food is permitted at any work station, and all drink must be in a closed container. Clean up after yourselves.
  • Answer the phone by saying “Hello, Zahnow Library [Circulation/Periodicals/Reference] Desk, this is (your name), how may I help you?”
  • As an employee of SVSU you may not advertise other universities or colleges, alcohol or drugs, and tobacco products while at work (e.g., on clothing, tattoos, etc.).
  • Be mindful of the Library environment: do not engage in inappropriate activities wirth friends or on department telephones, computers, or other equipment (e.g., no games, personal calls or email, facebook, extended visits with friends, etc.).
  • Employees must always wear your name tags during your shift.
  • When working on the upper floors of the Library be mindful of patrons needing assistance and help them as you can, referring them to the direct phone connections to the Circulation Desk as needed.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Enrolled in SVSU classes as a degree seeking student (excludes guest students)
    • Fall and Winter: at least 6 credit hours each semester
    • Spring / Summer: at least 6 credits total or be pre-registered for at least 6 credits for the upcoming Fall semester

Progressive Discipline:

The following due process procedures are intended to ensure fair treatment of SVSU student employees.  In the event that a student employee demonstrates unsatisfactory work or attendance, the supervisor will follow the procedures outlined below.

  • Verbal Warning – the student will be advised exactly how their performance is unacceptable and instruction in how performance can be improved.
  • Probation – continued unsatisfactory performance or attendance may result in probation.  The supervisor must document the unsatisfactory performance issue, provide written instructions for improvement, and outline the nature and duration of the probation in a letter to the student with copies sent to the Student Employment Office.
  • Termination – if the unsatisfactory performance does not improve to an acceptable level, the supervisor may terminate the student employee after consulting with the Director of Career Planning and Placement.  Student employees may be suspended or discharged without due process.
  • Termination – not for cause: in addition to termination for cause previously specified, a student employee may be terminated for the following reasons: attendance, budget constraints, completion of project, or other such valid reasons unrelated to job performance.  The employer will give students two weeks written notice of their termination.