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Library student employment: Definitions of inquiries

Information for student employment

Definitions of inquiry categories


·               General questions requiring short responses, often directional or brief in nature.  For example:  “On what floor is the Writing Center located?” or “What is the phone number for Professor Smith?”

·               Usually do not require the explanation of resources or a determination of additional resource available to the library user.


·               Specific questions ordinarily requiring a longer response time than informational inquiries and may require the consultation of specific resources. For example, “I need a definition of a “PICC” line”; “What was the GDP of Japan for the past three years?”

·               Usually requires that the librarian use one or more library resources to provide an answer, such as the library catalog, web search engines, handbooks, directories, and online databases


·               Inquiries requiring more involved interaction with multiple sources.

·               Requires that the librarian guide the user through all or part of the research process (e.g. search strategy; selection of appropriate databases; determination of scholarly v popular articles; etc.).

·               The librarian-user interaction is often in the form of a “tutorial” wherein the user learns some of the skills and knowledge needed to do research.


·               Inquiries requiring the handling of equipment, such filling printer paper trays; replacing ink cartridges; re-booting/trouble-shooting PCs (in lobby and Z111); may involve equipment use instruction (photocopiers)

·               Includes non-library related software questions such as those involving login issues, V-space, MS Office or Cardinal Direct.  May include special instructions for access to selected library resource such as SciFinder Scholar, individual electronic journals and directories. Does NOT include how to use these selected resources, but provides basic access requiring passwords that cannot be given directly to users.

·                Assistance with equipment and software in Z111 that does not include reference or research assistance.


* Reference student assistance are hired to assist users with INFORMATION AND MACHINERY/SOFTWARE questions only.  All other inquires should be directed to the librarians on duty.