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Online Course Support Librarian Program Assessment 2018: Survey

This guide provides the data, analysis and results of the student survey for the Online Course Support Librarian Program.

Survey Questions

1. Did you contact the online course librarian for assistance? *

  • Yes
  • No

2. Which library services have you used prior to this course? (select all that apply) *

  • Taken a course with an Online Course Librarian
  • Received research help from a Research Librarian
  • Attended a library instruction session
  • Used Interlibrary Loan
  • None of the above
  • Other - Write In (Required)  *

3. Which online course resources or services did you use in this course? (select all that apply) *

  • Online Books
  • Library Catalog
  • Library Databases (to access online journal articles)
  • ILLiad (interlibrary loan for articles not online)
  • Electronic Course Reserves
  • Online library research tutorials
  • Subject/Research Guide
  • Other - Write In 

4. How have you accessed library material in your course? *

  • From the library link on the main SVSU Web page
  • From a library related link within your Canvas course
  • A personal bookmark/favorite from your web browser
  • Via email from Course Librarian
  • Other - Write In 

View Conditions This question has display logic

5. Please rate if you agree or disagree with each of these statements... *


Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree


The librarian helped me find an article

The librarian helped me learn how to use a database (ProQuest, ulrichs, CINAHL)

The librarian helped me brainstorm keywords

The librarian helped me narrow my topic

The librarian in my course was helpful

View Conditions This question has display logic

6. Why didn't you contact the Online Course Librarian in this class? *

View Conditions This question has display logic

7. What compelled you to contact the Online Course Librarian for this class? *

View Conditions This question has display logic

8. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement; Working with the online course librarian improved my research skills and my understanding of available library resources and services *

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Unsure
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

9. Name one thing you found particularly helpful about having an Online Course Librarian embedded in your class. *

10. Please give a suggestion for how the library could improve the Online Course Librarian program to better suit your needs.  *

11. Additional Comments

 Thank You!