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Ken Follett Papers: Boxes 15-22 - Man From St. Petersburg

Quick Facts

While he was working on the evolving outline, he used the following titles:
 - “The Debutante”
 - “An Edwardian Lady/Killing”
 - “An Edwardian Funeral”
 - “The Anarchist: An Edwardian Thriller”
These are all handwritten and undated.
By the time he started calling the novel “The Russian Prince” on his evolving outline, he included the following as alternate titles:
 - “The Man from St. Petersburg”
 - “Lady Walden’s Folly”
 - “The Last Long Summer”
 - “The Debutante and the Anarchist”
These are also undated.
Called "The Russian Prince" by April 1980 on 1st draft outline.
Called "Feliks" on 1st draft, May 1981
Back to the Russian Prince in September 1981 in correspondence
By the time he was on the final draft in October 1981, it was “The Man from St. Petersburg”

Published in 1982 by William Morrow, New York
Published in French as L' homme de Saint-Petersbourg by Robert Laffont
Published in German as Der Mann Aus St Petersburg by Lübbe
Published in Italian as L'Uome di Pietroburgo by Mondadori

Outline Chronology

n.d. (Evolving Outline: Debutante)
Box 15 Folder 1]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Edwardian Lady/Killing)
[Box 15 Folder 2]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Edwardian Funeral)
[Box 15 Folder 3]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller)
[Box 15 Folder 4]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller)
[Box 15 Folder 5]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller)
[Box 15 Folder 6]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller)
[Box 15 Folder 7]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller)
[Box 15 Folder 8]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 9]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 10]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 11]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 12]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 13]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 14]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 15]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 16]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 17]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 18]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 19]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 20]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 21]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Russian Prince)
[Box 15 Folder 22]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Starts with "Three")
[Box 15 Folder 23]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: )Starts with "Three"
[Box 15 Folder 24]
n.d. (Evolving Outline: Starts with "Eight")
[Box 15 Folder 25]
9 April 1980 (1st draft, not a proposal)
[Box 17 Folder 30]
18 August 1980 [Box 17 Folder 34] 33pp.
18 August 1980 #2 
[Box 17 Folder 35]
n.d. #3
[Box 17 Folder 36]
n.d. #5
[Box 17 Folder 36]
n.d. #7
[Box 17 Folder 40]
n.d. #8
[Box 17 Folder 41]
n.d. #9
[Box 17 Folder 42]
19 November 1980 2nd draft, Outline, handwritten notes (1 of 2)
[Box 17 Folder 46]
11 February 1992 2nd draft, Outline, handwritten notes (1 of 2)
[Box 17 Folder 48]
n.d. #2
[Box 17 Folder 49]
n.d. #3
[Box 17 Folder 50]
n.d. #4
[Box 17 Folder 51]
n.d. #5
[Box 17 Folder 52]
n.d. #6
[Box 17 Folder 53]
n.d. #7 (handwritten plot)
[Box 17 Folder 54]



Box 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22
Box 15
(1) Evolving Outline: Debutante n.d. 2pp.
(2) Evolving Outline: Edwardian Lady/Killing n.d. 3pp.
(3) Evolving Outline: Edwardian Funeral n.d. 4pp.
(4) Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller n.d. 7pp.
(5) Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller n.d. 6pp.
(6) Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller n.d. 5pp.
(7) Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller n.d. 6pp.
(8) Evolving Outline: Anarchist, an Edwardian Thriller n.d. 9pp
(9) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.   7pp.
(10) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince  n.d. 5pp.
(11) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.   8pp.
(12) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 7pp.
(13) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 8pp.
(14) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.  12pp
(15) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 11pp.
(16) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince  n.d.  11pp.
(17) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.  12pp.
(18) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 14pp.
(19) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.   14pp.
(20) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 17pp.
(21) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d.  18pp.
(22) Evolving Outline: Russian Prince n.d. 23pp.
(23) Handwritten Evolving: starts with "Three” n.d.  10pp.
(24) Handwritten Evolving: starts with “Three” n.d.  10pp.
(25) Handwritten Evolving: starts with “Eight” n.d.  7pp.
(26) Miscellaneous handwritten notes, loose pages – 1 n.d. 18pp.
(27) Miscellaneous handwritten notes, some typed, loose pages – 2 n.d. 15pp.
(28) Research: Handwritten notepad n.d. 37pp.

Box 16

Box 16 (Oversized)
(29) The following “research” material consists of miscellaneous Xeroxed pages from various books and newspapers:
Research: The Times Annual Index 1913 2pp.
Research: London’s Social Calendar1914 1p.
Research: London Season, “The Heart of the Season” 2pp.
Research: The International Anarchy, 1904-1914 6pp.
Research: Sir Edward Grey 1971 2pp.
Research: Europe’s Crucial Years: The Diplomatic Background of World War I 1p
Research: From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow: The Royal Navy in the Fischer Era, 1904-1914, Volume 1  1961 2pp.
Research: Foreign Policy Under Sir Edward Grey 3pp.
Research: Origins of the First World War 2pp
Research: Lord Grey and the World War 5pp
Research: Manners and Rules of Good Society 15pp.
Research: Entente Diplomacy and the World 9pp.
Research: History of the Great War, Based on Official Documents, Volume 1, Naval Operations; to the Battle of the Falkland. 10pp.
Research: British documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914, Volume 10, Part 2, The Last Years of Peace 1967    3pp.
Research: Cambridge History of British Foreign Policy, Volume III, 1866-1919 3pp.
Research: Mirage of Power, British Foreign Policy, 1902-1914, Volume 1 4pp.
Research: Grey of Fallodon  1937  2pp.
Research: Twenty-five Years, 1892-1916 8pp.
Research: Before the Lamps Went Out 9pp.
Research: New Book of Etiquette 1907 19pp.
Research: The London Years 1956  23pp.
Research: The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page 7pp.
Research: Fashions in London 1952  1p.
Research: A Punch History of Manners and Modes 11pp.
Research: The Queen, The Lady’s Newspaper 11 April 1914  2pp.
16 May 1914 3pp.
23 May 1914   2pp.
30 May 1914   2pp.
6 June 1914  1p.
13 June 1914  11pp.
18 June 1914   2pp.
20 June 1914   4pp.

Box 17

Box 17
(30) 1st draft Outline, not a proposal 9 April 1980 14pp.
(31) Correspondence from Pat Golbitz and Research material
Letter 24 April 1980 1p.
Memoir of WW1 Battles n.d. 60pp.
(32) 2nd draft Outline, with handwritten notes 31 May 1980 17pp.
(33) Correspondence from Daniel Starer and thank you letter from Follett
Letter 19 June 1980 2pp.
Thank You 3 July 1980 1p.
(34) Outline, Typed (2 copies) - Copy 2 18 August 1980 33pp.
(35) Outline #2, handwritten 18 August 1980 23pp.
(36) Outline #3, handwritten n.d.  12pp.
(37) Chapter clues, 2 different versions, handwritten - Version 2 n.d.  4pp.
(38) Outline #5, handwritten n.d.  16pp.
(39) Handwritten #6, loose pages n.d.   4pp.
(40) Outline #7, handwritten n.d. 18pp.
(41) Outline #8, handwritten n.d.  12pp.
(42) Outline #9, handwritten n.d.  9pp.
(43) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman and Follett’s handwritten notes 8 September 1980   10pp.
(44) Correspondence from Pat Golbitz: Comments on The Russian Prince outline 12 September 1980  5pp.
(45) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Further comments on The Russian Prince 16 September 1980  2pp.
(46) 2nd draft, Outline, handwritten notes (1 of 2) 19 November 1980  35pp.
(47) 2nd draft, Outline, handwritten notes (2 of 2) 19 November 1980 35pp.
(48) 2nd draft, Outline, typewritten 19 November 1980 34pp.
(49) Outline #2, handwritten n.d. 24pp.
(50) Outline #3, handwritten n.d. 17pp.
(51) Outline #4, handwritten n.d.  22pp.
(52) Outline #5, handwritten n.d.  5pp.
(53) Outline #6, handwritten n.d. 16pp.
(54) Outline #7, handwritten plot n.d.  16pp.
(55) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Comments on The Russian Prince 3 December 1980 3pp.
(56) Correspondence from Pat Golbitz: Comments on The Russian Prince 9 December 1980  2pp.
(57) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Comments on draft of The Russian Prince n.d.  42pp.
(58) Comments on draft n.d.  5pp.

Box 18-22

Box 18
(59) 1st draft, 342 numbered pages, some missing (1 of 3) 17 May 1981 342pp.
(60) 1st draft, Feliks, (2 of 3) 17 May 1981 274pp.
Box 19
(61) 1st draft, Feliks, (3 of 3) 17 May 1981 342pp
(62) Correspondence from Hilary Ross: Comments on draft of Feliks 3 June 1981 2pp.
(63) Correspondence from “M”: Notes on draft 22 June 1981 4pp.
(64) Notes on the 1st draft, Feliks (2 copies) 30 June 1981  20pp.
(66) Correspondence from Sue Rapp: Comments on The Russian Prince 18 September 1981 2pp.
(67) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Comments on The Russian Prince 22 September 1981 6pp.
Box 20
(68) Final draft (1 of 3) 7 October 1981 388pp.
Box 21
(69) Final draft (2 of 3) 7 October 1981  388pp
Box 22
(70) Final draft (3 of 3), with new pages 7 October 1981 388pp.

New pages n.d. 24pp.
(71) Correspondence from Caren Meyer: Comments on draft 9 October 1981 5pp.
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.