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Ken Follett Papers: Boxes 96-106 - Place Called Freedom

Quick Facts

Started off as “A Fire in the Soul” in October 1993 on outline 1st draft with “Thanksgiving” given as an alternate title in October 1993.

Called “The Flame of Freedom” on 1st – 3rd draft outlines in November 1993, December 1993, and January 1994.

Called “Runaway” on the 1st draft in July of 1994 (box 101 folder 21 has some comments on the title)

Became “A Place Called Freedom” on the 2nd draft in December 1994.

Published in 1995 by Crown Publishers, New York 

Published in French as Le Pays de la Liberte by Robert Laffont

Published in German as Die Brücken der Freiheit by Lübbe

Published in Italian as Un luogo chiamatoliberta by Mondadori

Published in Spanish as Un Lugar Llamado Libertad by Grijalbo


 Box 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106
Box 96
(1) Outline, 1st draft of The Fire in the Soul, with handwritten notes (1of 2) 4 October 1993 24pp
(2) Outline, 1st draft of The Fire in the Soul, with handwritten notes (2of 2) 4 October 1993 24pp.
(3) Correspondence from Jane Wood: Comments on outline 26 October 1993 3pp.
(4) Outline, 1st draft, with notes 5 November 1993 18pp.
(5) Outline, 2nd draft, with notes 23 December 1993 32pp.
(6) Outline, 3rd draft, with notes 18 January 1994  53pp.
(7) Research: Sources of information n.d. 7pp.
(8) Research: Public Events 1766-1775 n.d. 7pp.
(9) Research: A Chronology of Virginia and the War of Independence 1763-1783 n.d.  18pp.
(10) Research: Maps of colonial roads and the Thirteen Colonies n.d. 5pp.
(11) Research: Leading characters n.d. 1p.
(12) Research: Blue spiral notebook n.d.  89pp.
(13) Research: Yellow spiral notebook n.d. 67pp.
(14) Correspondence from Jane Wood: Comments on outline 31 January 1994 1p.
(15) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: Comments on outline 7 February 1994 3pp.
(16) Ken Follett typewritten pages: On specific line comments n.d.  11pp.
Box 97
(17-a) 1st draft, with handwritten notes and loose photographs : Chapters 1-27, pages 1-286 27 July 1994 570pp.
Box 98
(17-b) 1st draft, with handwritten notes and loose photographs: Chapters 28-53, pages 287-570 27 July 1994 570pp.
Box 99
(18-a) 1st draft, two boxed copies (copy 1) 27 July 1994 570pp.
Box 100
(18-b) 1st draft, two boxed copies (copy 2) 27 July 1994 570pp.
Box 101
(19) Correspondence from Zuckerman: Comments on 1st draft 12 August 1994 6pp.
(20) Correspondence from Ann Patty: Comments on 1st draft 15 August 1994   8pp.
(21) Correspondence from Suzanne Baboneau: Comments and specific queries 31 August 1994 4pp.
(22) Correspondence from ?: Comments on 1st draft n.d. 4pp.
(23) Correspondence from Ann Patty: Comments on 1st draft 19 September 1994  20pp.
(24) 2nd draft, with handwritten notes (copy 1) 10 December 1994 557pp.
Box 102
(25) 2nd draft, with handwritten notes (copy 2) 10 December 1994 557pp.
(26) Correspondence from Anne Goldgar: Historical report on 2nd draft n.d.   14pp.
(27) Correspondence from Ann Patty: 2nd draft comments 5 January 1995 8pp.
(28) Correspondence from Al Zuckerman: 2nd draft comments 5 January 1995 3pp.
(29) Correspondence from Thad Tate: 2nd draft comments 7 January 1995 5pp.
(30) Correspondence from Suzanne Baboneau: 2nd draft comments 16 January 1995 3pp.
(31) Correspondence from Ann Patty: 2nd draft comments 17 January 1995 4pp.
Box 103
(32) Final draft (copy 1) 25 January 1995   577pp.
Box 104
(33-a) Typescript copy, marked (copy 1) 25 January 1995   577pp.
Box 105
(33-b) Typescript copy, marked (copy 2) 25 January 1995  577pp.
(34) Correspondence from Suzanne Baboneau: Copy editing queries 6 March 1995  4pp.
Box 106
(35) Correspondence from Sara Short: Original typescript
Letter 13 March 1996 1p.
(36) Typescript  n.d. 577pp.
For questions or problems, please contact Beth Johns. or Matthew Anderson.