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User Services: Tech support

Work page for 1st and 2nd floor user services desk

Tech Problems and ITS Help Desk

IT Services Protocol in the CAA

  1. If thers is a problem with a computer or a printer first turn off, unlpug, and restart machine.

  2. If that does not solve the issue, inform a coordinator that the machine is not working.

  3. Call IT Services, extension 4225, and explain what is going wrong (make sure to state the request is for Center for Academic Achievement).

  4. Record the problem in the Resource Guide under the IT Services Requests table, in the “i” section. Fill in the whole date, brief explanation of problem, your email and name.

  5. Make sure to record on the table when the problem is resolved.

Systems support


Triaging Technology Help

Refer to the Open Labs (SE105/C227A) if the student needs assistance with anything having to do with:

  • Simple Password help (provide access to a computer to change password)
  • Email (including mobile device configuration)
  • Setting up mobile device with Wi-Fi
  • VSpace
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel

Basically, the student needs to speak with one of the lab assistants in the Open Labs if their question is related to a 100 or 200 level course or something that will take less than 5 minutes.

Refer to the I.T. Support Center (x4225, C150) if the student needs assistance with anything having to do with:

  • Access to Email on their mobile device
  • Setting up mobile device with Wi-Fi
  • Password reset
  • Account access/permission issues (M:, Cardinal Direct, VSpace, Email)
  • Basic Word, Excel or PowerPoint questions that can be answered over the phone
  • Print balance questions

Refer to the CAA for Tutor Training if a student needs assistance

  • Snap Surveys
  • Camtasia
  • Jing
  • Documentaries
  • Presentation hardware checkout
  • Other Advanced Software assistance (Adobe, advanced features of Microsoft, etc.)
  • LyndaKIOSK – self paced online software tutorials
  • Contact Elaine (Z 224) 964-2748

Submit Technology Problem