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User Services: Evaluation

Work page for 1st and 2nd floor user services desk

Career Services Evaluation Criteria

  • Evaluations are given fall, winter, and combined spring/summer semesters.
  • You will not see negative comments for the first time during your evaluation. 
    • If there are problems or issues, they will be addressed as they occur, not saved up for an evaluation day ambush.
  • Copies of your evaluation will go to you, to this department, the Library Director, and Career Services.
  • You are permitted to offer written responses to your evaluation that will be included with all copies.
  • Consult the Career Services website for procedures for challenging an evaluation.
    • Excellent - Good - Average - Needs - Improvement - Not Applicable
  • Knowledge of Work
    • Understanding of job, proficiency, and technical competence required
    • This takes time. While training is a critical part of this, we also look for you asking questions, making the effort to learn your job better. The better you know your job, the more confidence you give those across the desk from you.
  • Quality of Work
    • Thoroughness, accuracy, and neatness
    • The greatest enemy of good work is being in a hurry.  The next? Believing you know your job better than you do.  Doing your job *almost* right means a patron suffers.
  • Quantity of Work
    • Productivity
    • An emphasis on quantity usually means less quality, which is why this category tends to be undervalued.  Focus more on the top two categories.
  • Dependability
    • Reliable in doing work, following instructions, and tendency to stay on task
    • Being where you need to be while doing what needs to be done is the core quality of any job. This is the third of the three critical areas we emphasize.
  • Attendance / Punctuality
    • Consistency in attendance of work hours; follows call-in policy
    • Keeping your schedule = "Average". To get better than that involves being flexible with helping coworkers out
  • Cooperation / Teamwork
    • With supervisors, fellow employees, students, and clients/customers
    • Not everyone works best in collaborative environments, yet it is an area prospective employers will focus on. You will be evaluated in both leadership and subordinate roles.
  • Initiative
    • Self-reliance, planning, creativity
    • How you keep yourself gainfully employed
    • Coming up with suggestions
  • Appearance
    • This is not an area that should be a focus of evaluations.  "Appropriate" is the key adjective. The usual rating is typically "good" or "average" with "excellent" being reserved for those who dress more as professionals than students.
  • Overall Evaluation
    • Usually the average mostly of the three critical categories along with "Cooperation / Teamwork". Because the other categories are undervalued the overall score reflects the most important areas.