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Circulation Home Page: Carts

Circulation procedures and policies to be used by student employees and staff.

Clearing the Wooden Holding Cart

When the wooden return cart at the back of the pillar is full resensitize the items on it by sliding their spines across the resensitizer to the left.  A red light should appear when the item has been resensitized.  If this does not occur you may place a new security strip in the item, strips are located in the second drawer of the wooden cupboard between the cart and the headphones cabinet.  Once the items on the cart have been resensitized place the items in the holding room on the appropriate shelf by their call number.  "A" books go on the "A" shelf and so on, the shelves do not have to be in perfect call number order.

Clearing the Blue Media Cart

When the blue media cart located outside of the supervisor office is full items should be reshelved in their proper locations.  Popular Reading books should be resensitized and shelved on the 3rd floor, Audio Books and Cafe Collection books should be returned to the 3rd floor and all other media items should be reshelved on the first floor.  Do not reshelve the items on the back side of the cart with the blue Faculty Media Reservation tags on them.

Carts Together

When enough books have accumulated in the holding room a cart may be put together.  Carts should hold books either from the 4th floor or the 3rd floor, but not both.  To put a cart together take books off from the holding room shelves and place them on the top shelf of a cart from left to right in call number order, when you get to the end of the first shelf turn the cart around and continue on the top shelf of the other side until both sides are full.  Only use the top two shelves.  Carts should be in precise call number order.  For children's literature, art books and scores you may use a flat bed cart. 

Carts Away

To put a cart away select a completed cart from the holding room (do not put a cart away that you have put together).  Take the cart to the correct floor and return the books to the stacks in exact call number order.  While you are there correct any shelving errors that you find.

Notes About Reshelving

Discover India Collection      Items with Yellow Tape over their call numbers belong to the Discover India Collection located on the 4th floor to the right of the rocking chair area.                                                                
Curriculum Collection

Items with Blue/Green Tape over their call numbers and with Yellow Library Use Only stickers on their spines belong to the Curriculum Collection located on the 4th floor to the left of the Children's Literature Collection.

Miniature Scores/ Performing Editions

Items with Light Blue Tape over their call numbers and/or White Tape around their spines belong to the Miniature Score Or Performing Editions Collections located on the 3rd floor to the right of the M call numbers.