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Circulation Home Page: Reserve Forms/Reserve List/Inventory

Circulation procedures and policies to be used by student employees and staff.


Inventory is done to ensure that our collection is in good order in the hopes that our patrons will be able to easily locate the items they need.  To complete an inventory refer to the clipboard on the file cabinet directly outside of the supervisor office door.  Write down the call # of the last inventory and take an empty scanner from a supervisors desk.  Go to the last call # and scan the first book after that and each consecutive book from left to right, top to bottom for approximately two sections.  Write down the last call # scanned.  Return to the first floor and write the first and last call # on the clip board along with your initials and the date.  Give the scanner to one of your supervisors.  They will run a report that you will then use to correct misshelved items, locate items that were lost and discover other errors.

Reserve Forms

Reserve forms are located in the Circulation Desk in the cupboard closest to the left-most workstation.  There are three types, Library Reserve (items kept on the reserve shelf and checked out to students with loan rules assigned by the faculty member), Electronic Reserve (items scanned into PDF format and posted to the faculty members VSpace course) and Reserve Withdrawal (items taken off from the reserve shelf).  When a faculty member wishes to add items to reserve give them the appropriate form and help them to fill it out making sure they sign it.  (Faculty members must provide the materials they wish to put on reserve, we do not order, ILL or make photocopies.)  Place the items along with the form on the shelving outside of the supervisor office and next to the blue media return cart.  When a faculty member wishes to take items off from reserve retrieve the items from the reserve shelf and fill out the appropriate form making sure to have them sign it.  Put the form on the shelf as stated above. 

Reserve List

A list is printed once a week of everything that is currently on reserve.  When assigned the reserve list compare the list to the shelf by putting a check mark next to items as you come to them.  Make note of anything that is on the list but missing from the shelf and also of anything that is on the shelf but not on the list (write the professors name, course, title and barcode in the margin).  While you are working on the list correct items that have been misshelved (items should be shelved alphabetically by instructors last name) and make labels for any instructors that need them (the label maker is in the middle drawer of the file cabinet in the supervisor office).