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Circulation Home Page: Donations/Damaged Items/Lost & Found

Circulation procedures and policies to be used by student employees and staff.


When a patron wishes to donate items to the library have them fill out a donation form.  The forms are located in the Circulation Desk in the cupboard closest to the left-most workstation.  Give the patron the yellow copy of the form and put the white copy with the donated items.  Place the items in the wire bin on the cupboard between the wooden return cart and the headphones cabinet. 

Damaged Items

Often items need to be mended to remain in good circulating condition.  Here are some examples of wear and what we do to correct it.

Broken Bindings/Loose Pages     Give to a supervisor who will change the item's status to "Off Shelf" and who will later attempt to mend the item.
Call # Falling Off

Re-attach call # with clear 3" tape on cupboard between wooden return cart and headphones cabinet.

Call # Missing or Too Light to Read

Put Post-It note on item identifying the issue and place item in wire bin on cupboard between wooden return cart and headphones cabinet.

Lost & Found

When patrons leave behind items in the library we have two Lost & Found boxes to put them in.  For items such as clothing, schoolwork, cups and umbrellas there is a box in the cupboard closest to the headphones cabinet.  For valuable items or for items containing personal information such as electronics, ID cards, flash drives and wallets there is a box on the safe in the supervisor office.